All the information on the Next Generation EU Recovery Funds in one click

The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, endowed with more than 140,000 million euros, is the focus of the monthly newsletter aimed at members of the business technology ecosystem of the Basque Technology Parks
The Basque Technology Parks are strongly committed to the companies and research centres located on their different campuses. With the aim of helping companies in the Parke ecosystem to grow, to successfully reach the market or to access new markets, Parke Euskadi publishes an electronic newsletter every month with the latest news on the Next Generation Recovery Funds promoted by the European Union.
The Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan is an opportunity for the modernisation of the economy, the recovery of economic growth and job creation, for solid, inclusive and resilient economic reconstruction after the crisis caused by COVID, and to respond to the challenges that companies and technology and research centres are facing.
The e-newsletter provides information on the public grant lines that are being launched in relation to the Next Generation EU Funds.
Subscription to the Next Generation EU newsletter can be done by clicking here.