Ayesa appoints Nicolás Costábile as Chief Corporate and Transformation Officer

In addition to the general management of corporate services, the executive will now also be responsible for leading the organisational transformation and evolution that the new strategic plan will require.
Ayesa, a global provider of technology and engineering services, has appointed Nicolás Costábile as Chief Corporate and Transformation Officer (CCTO). In addition to the general corporate management that he has held since 2019, the executive will now also be responsible for leading the organisational transformation and evolution that the new strategic plan will require.
Nicolás Costábile holds a PhD in Law and Social Sciences from the University of the Republic of Montevideo (Uruguay) and a Master’s degree in International Business Law from Queen Mary University of London. He joined Ayesa in 2018 as director of the legal area and a year later took over as general corporate director, and has been a member of the multinational’s management committee ever since. Previously, he spent five years working for the international law firm Wilmerhale in the London office.
With this new position, the company seeks to consolidate the rapid growth experienced in recent years and to prepare for the changes that the market and the roadmap will demand. Thus, his mission is to accelerate the transformation projects and adopt a more agile dynamic in their execution, thus facilitating the achievement of the ambitious strategic objectives.
It should be noted that Ayesa is immersed in a process of inorganic growth launched after the majority investment by A&M Capital Europe in 2022 together with founder José Luis Manzanares Japan, which has led it to more than double in size. The latest operation executed was the acquisition of Emergya in April this year to strengthen its AI capabilities and position itself as one of Google’s main partners in Europe.
The firm’s goal is to consolidate its position among the top five technology service providers at national level and the 50 largest engineering companies in the world. José Luis Manzanares Abásolo, CEO of Ayesa, stresses that ‘this process requires a corporate transformation that places us at the highest standards of management and adapt the organisation with a spirit of change and continuous improvement. In this sense, Nicolás Costábile is a manager with international experience and a great leadership capacity’.