Ayesa strengthens the technological infrastructure in the cloud of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities


The global consultancy firm includes virtualisation and security services in two Data Centres to guarantee 100% of the client’s operations

Ayesa, a global provider of technology and engineering solutions, has been awarded the open process for the ‘Procurement of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) in private cloud mode’ for the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the State Research Agency. It will be responsible for reinforcing its infrastructure services and IT systems over the coming years, supervising everything from computing, cloud storage, communications, backup and security, to system support, operation, maintenance, interconnection, network management, security management and administration.

The service is offered in private cloud mode and includes the provision of all the infrastructure, resources, licences and actions necessary to cover the needs and requirements of the systems of government entities. Thus, Ayesa has focused on the development of high virtualisation technology, infrastructure and security with two Data Centres in high availability, communicated by a ring network typology that guarantees 100% of the client’s operations.

To achieve this, Ayesa has involved a team of around 70 professionals with certifications and continuous training, which allows them to keep up to date with the latest technologies and best practices in the sector, and which translates at the same time into quality and customer satisfaction. Furthermore, as David Blasco, Ayesa’s Cloud & Infrastructure Delivery Centre Director, explains, ‘our team brings experience and expertise, innovation and technology, personalised attention, flexibility, quality, reliability and a long-term relationship’. He also stresses that ‘we are a Spanish company that offers the client a high added value beyond the capabilities required in the specifications, providing our centres of excellence with experience in environments other than the service we provide’.


This project brings four clear points of improvement to the operation of the Ministry of Science’s systems. The first of these is high availability and reliability to ensure that operations are not interrupted, ‘which is crucial for maintaining customer and user confidence’, he stresses.

Also, and related to the previous point, security and compliance, reducing single points of failure and facilitating robust security policies. ‘Ensuring compliance with security and data protection regulations is critical, as many industry standards require well-defined contingency and disaster recovery plans,’ explains Blasco. In this sense, redundancy and disaster recovery minimise downtime and financial losses.

Thirdly, scalability and flexibility. The infrastructure allows scaling of operations and process requirements according to business needs, ensuring that growth in demand does not affect the quality of service. ‘It also provides the flexibility to quickly adapt the infrastructure to new technologies or changes in customer needs,’ he adds.

Finally, it improves performance and efficiency. With an infrastructure designed specifically for the customer’s needs, service performance is optimised, offering faster technical response times and a superior user experience.

Ultimately, this project ‘not only strengthens our technology infrastructure, but also better positions us to meet any future challenges, providing a solid foundation for growth and innovation.


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