Do you work in science and technology? Share your story with students and inspire STEM vocations

From 16 to 30 October, nine career guidance days will be held in the three Basque territories aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO to show the diversity of professions related to scientific-technological fields.
We invite you to participate and share your day-to-day working life in a dynamic of speed dating with students; you will be helping to facilitate their training and career choices.
Participating is very easy, you just have to fill in a form and choose the day or days you are interested in. There will be a preparation session beforehand.
This initiative is part of the STEAM Sare network and is promoted by the Department of Education of the Basque Government in collaboration with the Basque Innovation Agency, with the participation of the University of Deusto, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU, Hetel, Ikaslan and AICE-IZEA.