Euskadi Technology Park presents six new entities that have recently joined the Parke ecosystem at K-business

Amebi Sistemak, JakinCode, Lancor 2000 SCOOP, PGM HY-TECH, Safeloc Systems and Zaec Proyectos de I+D+I are some of the organisations that have set up on the different campuses of the Euskadi Technology Park in recent months and have been the protagonists of this initiative in which they have presented their products and services.
At the K-business meeting, the Euskadi Technology Park presented six new organisations that have recently set up on the different campuses. The companies Amebi Sistemak, JakinCode, Lancor 2000 SCOOP, PGM HY-TECH, Safeloc Systems and Zaec Proyectos de I+D+I have presented their activities, products and services at this meeting point for entities of the Euskadi Technology Park, which aims to promote contact, collaboration and business development. Today’s meeting was attended by 36 people from 26 organisations in the Technology Park.
In the 20 editions of these meetings held to date, more than 300 entities have taken part and more than 600 bilateral meetings have been held, which have resulted in numerous business agreements.
Bilateral meetings
The initiative included a round of presentations by each of the companies, followed by bilateral meetings with the aim of finding valuable contacts for new business challenges.
Amebi Sistemak is a company specialised in helping organisations in the industrial environment to optimise the management of the production process automatically and in real time. It has developed Axon, an intelligent production management platform capable of analysing a multitude of data, assisting in hundreds of decisions, preventing missed delivery deadlines and production stoppages, as well as avoiding manual planning or replanning due to new manufacturing guidelines. It carries out its activity on the Donostia Campus.
JakinCode, located on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus, specialises in cybersecurity and compliance in the business environment. Its expert staff tries to prevent information from being disclosed to unauthorised third parties and to ensure the business continuity of companies. JakinCode designs, develops and implements advanced solutions for information security and privacy management for each of its clients.
Lancor 2000 SCOOP designs and manufactures electric motors and generators. It offers engineering services to its partners in all areas related to electrical machines, from conception to mass production. It has recently set up on the Abanto Campus.
Also from the Abanto Campus, PGM HY-TECH, part of the German group PGM Metall, specialises in the construction and maintenance of industrial plants and polyducts. The company applies its own research and artificial intelligence technology to develop operating systems that can be managed manually, semi-automatically or completely autonomously, with the aim of maximising efficiency and innovation.
Safeloc Systems, a spin-off of the CEIT Technology Centre located on the Donostia Campus, transforms real-time asset location (RTLS) with its innovative Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) wireless connectivity technology. Safeloc Systems’ Real-Time Location System (RTLS) revolutionises industrial processes, turning them into highly efficient, safe and optimised operations. Thanks to Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) technology, Safeloc Systems offers precise distance measurement and positioning solutions for objects and people, increasing productivity and creating safer working environments.
Located on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus, ZAEC Proyectos de I+D+i is a company specialising in the development of innovative by-products from agri-food waste, mainly from the wine industry. It has an advanced research laboratory, from which it aspires to lead the transformation of untreated waste into valuable resources, promoting a cleaner and more sustainable economic cycle. It also offers expert advisory services in R&D&I to companies, government bodies and organisations.
K-business is the Networking service of the Euskadi Technology Park, which aims to help companies to get to know and interact with other companies and agents in their environment, identifying and generating opportunities for collaboration and business development.
The K-business service is part of the Basque Technology Park’s BEParke initiative, which aims to cover the different needs of business projects through a new catalogue of specialised services. In this sense, in addition to the K-business Networking service, the PARKE brand includes four other services: K-talent, K-impulse, K-future and K-media, designed to promote business, professional and personal development.