Industry faces up to the need of innovating SMEs with a rapid implementation program
SPRI will give out cheques of between €2,000 and €6,000 to small businesses that need to innovate and become more competitive. They will subsidise services such as advanced business management, branding, product and process innovation and improvement in the client-supplier relationship. The time period for applications for the “Innovate cheque,” which covers up to 75% of the net cost of the service, will start on 15th June and finish on 7th September.
Spri, 05/06/2012

Interested SMEs may submit their requests for these subsidies from the 15th of June through the SPRI website ( via the ‘Help and Services’ section, or by going to the offices of authorised agents that appear on the website, who will support them and offer advice on their application.
As well as acting for the Regional Development Agency, SPRI is setting up the “Innovate cheque” program, which aims to strengthen the Basque institutional fabric in areas of innovation and competitiveness based on the ‘Innovanet’ Network. This program is integrated into the strategic framework of the ‘Business Competitiveness Plan 2010-2013’ and in the set of programs that appear in this document, adding value to the different factors involved in these business activities.
The sectors that will benefit are the industrial enterprises: processing and manufacturing; technical services linked to the product-process and related to those mentioned before; the information and communications field; and wholesale trade.