Innobasque calls for case studies in artificial and generative intelligence for its next Global Innovation Day

Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa

The call, carried out in collaboration with the Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre (BAIC) and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), is aimed at all organisations in the Basque Country: SMEs, large companies, technology, research or educational centres, public entities and associations.

The deadline for submitting applications will remain open until 15 July.

The selected cases will take part in the thirteenth edition of the Global Innovation Day to be held in November, a benchmark meeting for the dissemination and positioning of the Basque Country as a region of high innovation that brings together companies and key agents of the Basque ecosystem every year.

Once again this year, the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, is looking for the best case studies carried out in the Basque Country to use their example to promote innovation as a fundamental process for improving the competitiveness and progress of Basque organisations.

The call, carried out in collaboration with the Basque Artificial Intelligence Centre (BAIC) and the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), focuses on this occasion on the development of innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence (AI) and generative artificial intelligence (GAI), given their high impact and transformative potential in the competences and capacities of organisations and companies.

Among the applications submitted, the Basque Agency for Innovation, Innobasque will select the most representative cases to be part of the panel of speakers at the Global Innovation Day, an annual event that will celebrate its thirteenth edition in November. This professional forum organised by Innobasque has established itself as a benchmark for the dissemination of innovation and the positioning of the Basque Country as a region of high innovation, bringing together every year the key players in the Basque innovation ecosystem.

Aimed at all sectors

The call is open to any organisation from any sector, size or legal nature: from multinationals to SMEs, associations, scientific-technological agents, educational centres, public institutions or social interest organisations.

The case studies must have been developed from 2021 onwards and must show how the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has led to the development of innovations that improve the competitiveness of organisations. This proposal leaves open to the presentation of cases developed for a wide range of areas and organisational processes, from strategy definition to operations and project management to customer relations.

The assessment criteria for choosing the most inspiring proposals will be based, first and foremost, on the content and management of the innovations implemented. In other words, factors such as their strategic nature, level of originality, the degree of participation or collaboration with other organisations in their implementation, their incorporation into the day-to-day running of the organisation and the environmental, economic and social sustainability approaches taken into account in their development will be taken into account. On the other hand, criteria of effectiveness, efficiency, degree of impact, replicability and transferability and recognition by third parties will also be assessed, in addition to the quality of the data used, the participation or generation of shared data spaces, the ethical values applied from the design, or the specification of the technologies used in the application of artificial intelligence.

All the cases that meet the criteria specified in the terms and conditions of the call will be included in the Innobasque Bank of Innovation Case Studies and may be selected to participate in other dissemination actions organised by the Basque Innovation Agency and/or be disseminated in other forums or communications.

This is the fifth edition of the Practical Cases organised by Innobasque, which managed to gather more than 300 innovative initiatives in the 4 previous editions.

Organisations interested in publicising their proposals through this call must submit their case (there can be more than one) before 15 July. All the information on this call for proposals is available here.


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