Leioa Campus becomes the epicentre of science with activities open to the community

The Leioa Campus is preparing to become the epicentre of scientific dissemination over the next few days. Companies and institutions on the campus have organised a series of events that will bring science closer to students and the general public, with a special focus on the participation of women in research.
The fact that the Leioa Campus is at the centre of these activities is no coincidence; it is the Basque Technology Park’s firm commitment to bringing students and the university community closer to the important contribution made by women in the field of research.
Achucarro: bringing neuroscience to the classroom
The Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience will open its doors to schools as part of Emakumeak Zientzian, organising three visits for groups of students on 7, 11 and 13 February from 10:00 to 12:00. In addition, a special activity aimed at women over 55 will be held on 13 February from 18:00, with the aim of encouraging interest in science throughout all stages of life.
BCMaterials: exploring new materials with young people
BCMaterials is also committed to dissemination with two days of visits on 11 and 12 February. More than 130 students from five schools in Bizkaia will learn first-hand about the work of its researchers in the search for new materials with applications in the environment, energy generation and storage, digitalisation and biomedicine. The experience will include live experiments and tours of the laboratories.
In addition, as part of the cycle ‘Emakume Zientzilariak. Atzo eta Gaur’, organised by the Emakumeak Zientzian collective, Marie Curie post-doctoral researcher Maibelín Rosales will give a talk at the Ensanche building in Bilbao on 13 February at 18:00. This event aims to give visibility to the work of women scientists doing research in the Basque Country, as well as to women who have made a mark on the history of science.
BC3: science and sustainability with an impact on society
The BC3 centre, as well as taking part in the Emakumeak Zientzian initiatives and visits to schools, will be present in the Biodiversity Foundation’s social media campaign. The researcher Marta Olazabal will be the protagonist of this digital action, although its official launch will take place on the day of the event.
A collective effort for dissemination
The efforts of these and many other companies demonstrate the commitment of the Leioa Campus to scientific dissemination and the promotion of science among young people and adults. These initiatives, in addition to making the role of women in research visible, seek to awaken scientific vocations and strengthen the connection between academia and society.