Music and good atmosphere at the Parkea Musik Fest festival in Zamudio/Derio

On 23 May, the Zamudio/Derio Campus was the setting for the first Parkea Musik Fest festival of the season. This event, which combines live music and a good atmosphere, aims to showcase the musical talent of Parkea’s employees.
Three groups livened up the afternoon with their musical diversity. La Fabulosa y Decadente Mambo Express opened the festival with cumbia, followed by Blaster M, who delighted the audience with rock in Basque, and finally, Soporte Vital Básico closed the afternoon with pop. Each of these groups had at least one member working in companies belonging to Parke: Tecnalia, Ingeteam and Ayesa, respectively.
The event offered not only music, but also drinks and food for all attendees. In addition, during the breaks, raffles were held where the lucky winners won tickets to festivals such as BBK Live and Azkena Rock Festival, as well as subscriptions to Parke’s new initiative, BeParke Kluba.
New date, 13 June at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus
The main objective of Parkea Musik Fest is to highlight the musical talent among the people who work in Parke companies, and for this reason, it will be held in the three territories. The next festival will be held at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus on Thursday 13 June, with a DJ session at 16:30 and performances by three local groups from 17.00 h onwards.
The bands that will provide the atmosphere for this edition in Alava will be Echoes&Voices -electronic music-, Growing -alternative rock-, and Unai Sarasola -rock-. In all the bands there will be at least one person working for one of the Parke companies; in this case, Lios Pharma, Lantek and AAC-Centro de Acústica Aplicada.
With this type of initiative, Parke not only promotes internal talent, but also strengthens the sense of community among its employees, turning each edition of the Parkea Musik Fest into a celebration of music and fellowship. The last edition of 2024 will take place on 19 September at the Donostia Campus.