Opening spaces for girls and women in science and technology

Euskadi Technology Parks signs the Inspira manifesto, a commitment to actively work for equality between women and men in the scientific-technological sphere
Itziar Epalza, director general of the Basque Technology Parks, has once again signed the Inspira manifesto, a commitment to actively work for equality between women and men in the scientific-technological field. The manifesto focuses on seven lines of action: To reflect on and revise the false belief that there is already equality; to publicly recognise that women and men have the same capabilities, rights and responsibilities; to work to raise awareness in society of the need for positive actions to avoid the lack of equality; to make historical and current women scientists and technologists visible; to reverse social stereotypes, demystifying beliefs about gender roles; to favour a social and educational context in which girls are encouraged, capable and recognised so that they can choose their future without conditioning; and to contribute to the empowerment of women.
Promoting the role of women in science and technology is an essential part of the 21-24 Strategic Plan of the Basque Technology Parks, encouraging the presence of women in actions planned by the Parks and supporting and making visible the role of women in STEAM positions.
The promotion of scientific and technological vocations is one of the activities being promoted by the parks, above all, because of the impact that these can have on the development of a competitive innovation system, for which it is essential to have 100% of society.
The manifesto, which has already been signed by 445 organisations, can be downloaded at: