Women in science and technology

We open spaces to give visibility to the work of women in the fields of science and technology and their impact on society.

Support and publicise the role of women in Science and Technology

The Basque Country Technology Park Strategic Plan establishes a specific line of action linked to the promotion of professional women, the importance of their role in science and technology, and the promotion of careers. The activities developed to achieve these objectives include:

Participation in the ‘Forum for Equality’ promoted by Emakunde:

Emakunde - Instituto vasco de la mujer

Equality work group with annual Plan of objectives

The Plan for equality among women and men at the Basque Country Technology Park is the road map for achieving four strategic objectives, designed to have an impact in all Parke’s areas and at all levels of activity:

  • Strengthen commitment to equal opportunities in Parke’s culture.
  • Ensure that Parke’s labour policy guarantees the same opportunities for professional development for women and for men and avoids discriminatory practices.
  • Make Parke a safe space, free from violence and harassment.
  • Guarantee that all the measures to publicise and make society more aware include the gender perspective.

In line with this vision, the Basque Country Technology Park has also introduced a Work/family Reconciliation Plan for its staff with the aim of removing obstacles to employment derived from maternity or paternity and the restrictions that a working life implies for family life, encouraging reconciliation.

Adhesion to the Inspira STEAM manifesto

The Basque Country Technology Park is an active part of the Inspira STEAM project, launched by the University of Deusto to promote the construction of a fairer and more balanced society, in which gender roles are “deprogrammed” and do not interfere with the choice of study area.

The foundations of the project lie in the figure of the MENTORS, professionals from the field of science and technology who visit primary schools in Euskadi to promote, by setting an example and through their experience, science and technology careers among the female students.

In this context, the Basque Country Technology Park has also created the CORPORATE VOLUNTEER SERVICE, to enable professional people related to the STEAM areas from their different Campuses, whether men or women, to voluntarily take part in the project.

Women in science and technology

An ecosystem of transfer, knowledge and talent in sectors strategic to industry, promoted by women.


of the people who work at Parke are women.

Ainara Estanga

Neuropsychologist. PhD in Neurosciences

One of the main goals of his research at Fundación CITA-alzheimer Fundazioa is to understand how the development of cognitive reserve over a lifetime contributes to cognitive and cerebral maintenance in aging and age-related diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease

Ainara López Ortega

PhD in Materials Engineering

Specialised in material corrosion and wear studies in off-shore application. She is part of Tekniker’s Tribology team, in which she manages and takes part in projects, currently involving assessing the behaviour and degradation of materials in extreme environments.

Ainara Valverde

Predoctoral researcher

Study of Metal Organic-Frameworks (MOFs), highly porous materials able to adsorb multiple kind of compounds.

Ainhoa Angulo Ordorika

Higher Industrial Electrical Engineering

Project Manager RDI+i PGA

Ainhoa Cortés


Design of efficient on-board electronic systems for various applications in demanding sectors such as the automotive industry (electric vehicles, driverless vehicles) or Industry 4.0 with the aim of monitoring the most critical physical parameters, carrying out processing on the on-board platform and sending the information remotely and separately to the cloud, mostly using wireless communication, thus enabling the remote and predictive maintenance required for various applications. In this area, in the Electronic Systems and Communications group of which I am the Manager, we are researching wireless communications in “harsh” environments (one such application: infrastructure monitoring for off-shore wind turbines) and the design of ultra-low-power sensor nodes.

Ainhoa Jausoro Urcelay

Technical Engineering specialising in Mechanics. Higher Engineering in Industrial Organisation. Postgraduate degree and training in Calculus and Numerical Simulation.

INALIA specialises in developing structural health monitoring systems. It does this by collaborating with projects that integrate sensor technology, data acquisition, virtual modelling and automatic learning techniques. The deliverable of the project is not only the data, but also the interpretation and analysis that convert them into useful information.

Ainhoa Rezola

Telecommunications Engineer and PhD in Applied Engineering

Research into the design and implementation of digital systems and into digital signal processing, especially focused on high-bandwidth wireless systems

Aintzane Olozaga Szekely

Computer Engineering

Advanced analytics solutions for reconfigurable production process management

Aitziber Celaya Rodríguez

Industrial Designer

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Design of components and structures for industrial storage systems and metal racking for all types of loads at AR Racking.

Alaine Agirrebeña


Researcher in the Lateral Flow Department of BIOLAN HEALTH, with 5 years of experience executing R&D projects aimed at the development of new diagnostic aids for rapid and accurate diagnosis in a simple way. Currently, his work is focused on the development of new Point of Care devices for the monitoring of target analytes based on new and innovative immunosensor platforms with optical determination as a quantification method.

Alba Castellón

Computer Engineering

DPM manager

Alba Centeno

Scientific Researcher

Research into the CVD graphene film area of business

Amaia Bizkarguenaga

Head of TETRA communications service at ITELAZPI

After studying Telecommunications Engineering at the School of Engineering in Bilbao, she worked as a teacher at Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the area of Radiocommunications. Since 2008 she has been working at ITELAZPI and is currently responsible for the TETRA communications service. The TETRA standard defines a digital mobile radio system that offers advanced, secure and reliable communication solutions, adapted to the needs of different public institutions (public transport, health services, water services, road maintenance services, etc.).

Amaia Eguidazu

Senior Engineering in Automation and Measurement

Collaborative development of 4.0 manufacturing technologies in the Basque Wind Industry

Amaia Escalada Maestro

Technical Electronics Engineering

Advanced Substation Digitization

Amaia García Bilbao

PhD in Biology

Field of Biotechnology

Amaia Jiménez

Degree in Mathematics

Use of industrial statistics (data analysis) to improve processes and products with different objectives (quality, profitability, sustainability)

Amaia Ortega

Scientific Researcher

Research on our graphene oxide business area

Amaia Pesquera


Product development for our CVD graphene film business area

Amaia Rebollo

Head of Production

CVD graphene film business area

Amaia Zurutuza

Scientific Director

Drawing up of European projects, technical support to key customers, head of the R&D team

Amanda Sierra Saavedra


Director of the Glial Cell Biology Laboratory

Amaya García-Eizaga

Degree in Computer Engineering

Her work at the CITA-alzheimer Fundazioa Foundation concerns the direction of Information Technologies, with special dedication in the processing of research-oriented databases

Amaya Igartua Aranzabal

Principal Researcher

She coordinates the European Materials Platform (EUMAT) in Tekniker, coordinating and driving the European research strategy in the area of materials and promoting initiatives for new European research proposals. As a researcher, she is currently involved in the European Biosmart project which is developing packaging obtained from biomass with sensors that allow the state of deterioration of food to be detected.

Ana Isabel Miguel González

Sciences - Physics

Advanced protection algorithms

Ana Moreton

Software Manager

Campus: Leioa

Responsible for coordinating the software team and the development of the programmes on board the satellites, as well as the software for controlling satellite operations. She also participates in the design and programming of these projects. PhD in Computer Science and Electronic Engineering.

Anastasia Klimovich-Gray

Postdoctoral Researcher

Researching the various strategies used by our brain to understand speech in dyslexic and non-dyslexic people.

Andrea Martínez

Biomedical engineer

She is currently responsible for the engineering and process improvement department at AJL Ophthalmic. Her projects include research, design and development of new innovative products for the field of ophthalmology.

Ane Iriondo Juaristi

Neurobiologist. PhD in Neurosciences

One of the main objectives of his research Fundación CITA-alzheimer Fundazioa is to expand knowledge about the possible interrelationship between Alzheimer’s disease, lipid metabolism and brain changes in the most early stages of the disease

Ane López Larreina

Advanced welding activities

Participates in advanced welding activities: EBW and brazing. Produces design drawings of the Target’s instrumentation.

Ane Pérez de Nanclares Gabiña

Master in Telecommunications Engineering

Prescriptive Manufacturing – advanced analytics solutions for reconfigurable production process management

Angela Veiga

Materials Engineering

She has a PhD in Engineering from Navarra University (2015). Her thesis on powder metallurgy received the national AMES-Joan Antoni Bas award. An expert in physical metallurgy, she is currently researching the applications of a multifunction laser cell for LMD additive manufacturing and remote laser welding and laser heat treatment.

Ania Ruiz Ortiz

Customer Engineer

We support our international customers, both in the day-to-day issues they may have, as well as in the specification and implementation phase of new projects.

Arantxa Maestre

Scientific Researcher

Research team in the CVD graphene film business area

Beatriz Alonso

Research Technician

CVD graphene film business area

Beatriz Altolaguirre Maestro

Computer engineer

Director of Consulting and Pre-Sales at Ibermatica

Beatriz Bellanco Anibarro

Bachelor of Physical Sciences

Advanced Substation Digitization

Begoña Pérez Villarreal

EIT Food South Director

Coordinates the team and all the activities developed by EIT Food in southern Europe to promote innovation in the agri-food sector

Belén Penadés

Industrial Technical Engineer

Head of the Fire Protection Engineering Department at KREAN, S. Coop. We design ad hoc solutions for each project. Coordination of the technical team in the speciality.

Blanca Calderón San Millán


Research in cybersecurity technologies for the deployment of a safer electrical network

Carmen Galindo

Project Manager, Agronomial Engineer

Coordinates the design and implementation of EIT Food’s programme to reduce water scarcity in southern Europe, bringing together researchers, experts and startups to fight for the same goal

Clara García Astrain

Postdoctoral Researcher

Development of new 3D nanocomposite materials to monitor tumour growth.

Clara Talens

Agricultural Engineer. PhD in Agri-food Science, Technology and Management.

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Researcher in agri-food innovation, specialising in sustainable food development, nutritional improvement and application of advanced technologies.

Cristina Martínez


Application engineering manager

Cristina Prieto


Design of linear transmission components

Cristina Tarabini-Castellani Ciordia


Analysis, design, development and optimisation of critical database processes

Dra. Graciela Martínez-Paredes

Specialised in electrochemistry and developing new applications of biosensor technology for different subsectors of the food industry.

Researcher in OSASEN SENSORES as part of the Torres Quevedo Project, focused on developing a Point of Care device for monitoring vitamin D deficiency, based on an innovative platform that combines paper-based immunoassays and electrochemical characterisation as a quantification method.

Dra. Joana Gangoiti

Researcher in the area of Biotechnology

Joined as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie intern, developing the BIOIMPROVE project, focused on improving and optimising biosensors through an innovative protein engineering strategy to maximise the sensitivity and selectivity of the enzymes that are part of the biosensors.

Dra. Jone Garate

Researcher in the area of Product Development

Specialised in electrochemistry and developing new applications of biosensor technology for different subsectors of the food industry.

Dra. Larraitz Añorga

Scientific Director

Specialised in electrochemical biosensors, on which she is currently working, developing new applications for world health such as diagnosing lactose intolerance.

Edurne Berra Ramírez

Associate Principal Researcher and Head of the HypoxiPATH Group at CIC bioGUNE

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Our research focuses on the study of the signalling pathway activated in response to hypoxia, or lack of oxygen, and the relevance of this pathway in diseases such as cancer.

Edurne Ibañez

Computer engineer

Campus: Vitoria-Gasteiz

I work for Lantek as Team Leader of a development team.

Edurne Villanueva Saracho

Senior Telecommunications Engineer

Research in cybersecurity technologies for the deployment of a safer electrical network

Efthymia Kapnoula

Postdoctoral Researcher

She researches the differences in the ways that people process speech sounds

Eider Aldalur Urresti

Doctor in mechanical engineering

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Researcher in arc additive manufacturing technologies and welding automation.

Eider Ocerin Martínez

Customer Delivery Manager

Campus: Leioa

Management of the company’s institutional and R&D&I programmes in the field of earth observation from space. Industrial mechanical engineer – Pre-doctoral master’s degree in design and manufacturing – Master’s degree in business management and consultancy.

Eleftheria Diamanti

Postdoctoral researcher

Science and Materials Engineer specialized in the field of physicochemical characterization of material interfaces and biomaterial manufacturing for biomedical applications

Elena C. Gonzalo Martín

PhD in CC. Chemistry. Senior Researcher at CIC EnergiGUNE.

My research is focused on the search for new electrode materials for lithium and sodium batteries, as well as on the study of the interfaces between the components of electrochemical cells.

Elena Murga

Electronic Engineer

He works in the area of Electronics and Data of BIOLAN, where he is dedicated to the optimization of the measurement processes of biosensors through Techniques of Data Analysis and Automatic Learning, with the aim of improving the service offered to customers

Elisabeth Viles

Degree in Mathematics

Use of industrial statistics (data analysis) to improve processes and products with different objectives (quality, profitability, sustainability)

Elvira Domingo

RIS Programme Manager, Food Technologist

Coordinates programmes in regions with low or moderate innovation rates to boost innovation in the agri-food sector and deliver sustainable growth that strengthens the innovation ecosystem across southern Europe

Eneritz Zubizarreta

Computer engineer

Founder of Globe Testing. Participates in research projects in areas such as Internet of Things (IoT) testing and Blockchain

Erika Cadierno Estévez


Site management

Estefanía Abad

PhD in Physics

Partnership and strategy manager

Esther Alonso Fernández

Higher Engineering in Telecommunications

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Embedded control product manager oriented to Industry 4.0 offering realtime control, connectivity and cybersecurity in different sectors.

Eva Andino Santamaria

Senior Telecommunications Engineering

Collaborative development of 4.0 manufacturing technologies in the Basque Wind Industry

Eva González

PhD in Chemistry

Eva is a Marie Curie Fellow at BIOLAN, where she develops electrochemical biosensors for efficient milk quality control. Eva holds a PhD in Chemistry and has more than 15 years of experience in the development of biosensor technologies.

Fangyuan Zheng

Predoctoral researcher

Synthesis of hybrid nanoparticles, which can take advantage of sunlight as an energy source in many critical areas such as the environment and biomedicine

Garbiñe Manterola Agirrezabalaga


Head of Knowledge Transfer at Basque Research & Technology Alliance – BRTA.

Haizea González

PhD in industrial engineering

Research in EDM technology for the manufacture of parts for the aeronautical sector

Iciar Monterrubio Santín

Predoctoral researcher of the advanced electrode materials group

Since 2019 she has been working as a Predoctoral researcher in the same research group performing her doctoral thesis from a theoretical-experimental point of view in the accelerated development of electrode materials in Li-ion and Na-ion batteries

Idoia Lanseros Vigiola

Master in e-Business and Biga Data and Business Intelligence Program

Data Scientist

Idoia Mazkiaran Zelaia

Higher Telecommunications Engineering.

ESS Bilbao. Neutron instrument for European Spallation Source.

Idoia Mugarza

Telecommunications Engineer

Telecommunications Engineer and Director of BIOLAN’s Software and Systems Area, with the aim of aligning the company’s objectives with those of reinforcing the path of digital transformation. Increasing competitiveness, establishing a culture of continuous improvement, defining a clear path towards cybersecurity and adding value through the use of data analytics are the pillars of her area.

Igone Velez Isasmendi

Telecommunications Engineering

Director of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Division

Ilargi Napal

Research Technician

CVD graphene film business area

Inés Díez Ortiz

Graduate in Chemistry and Master's Degree in Contamination and Toxicology.

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Degree in Chemistry (2020) and master’s degree in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2021). She is currently a junior researcher in the Construction Laboratory Services Department at Tecnalia Research & Innovation, where she combines science and innovation in the development of sustainable solutions for the construction sector. Her research focuses on the automation of pre-demolition audits, with the aim of improving practices in the sector. In addition, he participates in and leads sections of EU-funded projects in the field of circular economy and the construction sector. He has also participated in international events and in the revision of European guidelines on construction and demolition.

Ione Cendoya Urquijo

Doctor of Science

Campus: Donostia

Development of efficient and safe battery technology for electric vehicles. I am responsible for the development of industrial bids to meet the R&D needs of companies in the sector, as well as grant projects at CIDETEC.

Irantzu Furunbarena Doval

Technical Engineering

Advanced stability control system for heavy-duty transport ships

Irantzu Llarena

Degree in Physical Chemistry

She manages the optical microscopy platform, which entails teaching, technical work and research into the characterisation of biomaterial and biological systems.

Irune Barañano las Santas

Senior Automatic and Electronic Industrial Engineering

Collaborative development of 4.0 manufacturing technologies in the Basque Wind Industry

Irune González

Graduate in Food Science and Technology

He has been working for 13 years in the Product Development and Validation Department of BIOLAN as a laboratory technician. His work is focused on the development, scaling and validation of electrochemical biosensors applied to the food industry, as well as the improvement and adaptation to customers of products already on the market.

Itziar Cuenca Beristain

Bachelor of Economics and Business

Responsible R&D&I Programs

Itziar Santxez

Graduate in Physics

CEO at Ingurumena Advanced Technologies. They work on R&D&I projects for companies and industries.

Ixone Lasagabaster Anta

NX CAD senior technical manager

Management of the CAD design department, forming project teams, planning and monitoring projects.

Izaro Ayesta

PhD in industrial engineering

Research in EDM technology for the manufacture of parts for the aeronautical sector

Izaro Hoyuelos Larrauri

Telecommunications Engineer

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

I am involved in the design, deployment and maintenance of communication and security network infrastructure at SATEC.

Izaskun Arriaga Armentia

Engineer-Masters in Biomedical Engineering

Medical device manager at Optimus3D. Design and additive manufacturing technician.

Izaskun García


Electrical protection of substations and power lines

Izaskun Lara

Senior Computer Engineer

Cybersecurity Consultant in critical industrial environments and infrastructures – Accenture

Izaskun Martínez de Santos

Advertising and PR

UX/UI Designer. Analysis of interface design and user experience

Izaskun Ruzicka Blabas

Industrial Technical Engineering in mechanics

Next Generation 12+MW Rated, Robust, Reliable and Large Offshore Wind Energy Converters for Clean, Low Cost and Competitive Electricity

Jaione Arrizabalaga

Research associate

Design, development and validation of software platforms for industrial projects

Janire López Irazu


Analysis, design, development and optimisation of critical database processes

Jessica Gutierrez

Ingeniera técnica

Responsable de la infraestructuras físicas que sustentan los centros de emisión de Itelazpi. Entre sus competencias está la dirección de las obras de adecuación de las principales infraestructuras (pista de acceso, vallado perimetral, casetas, terrenos, torres de telecomunicaciones, control de acceso, climatización). Así mismo, se encarga de los servicios de mantenimiento y conservación de dichas infraestructuras. Jessica, también se responsabiliza de coordinar las medidas encaminadas a minimizar el impacto que produce nuestra actividad en el entorno natural, y coordinación de acciones de recompensa y recuperación de los espacios ocupados, coordinando, por ejemplo, acciones de repoblación forestal. En el marco del nuestro compromiso con la promoción de la mujer y la niña en la ciencia y la tecnología, este año, Jessica está participando como mentora del programa Inspira STEAM.

Joana Pelaz Sánchez

PhD in Materials Science and Technology

R&D Embedded systems software for electrical substations.

Jone Renteria Aguirregabiria

Biomedical Engineering. Master in Biostatistics (UOC-UB)

He is currently working in the Applied Statistics Department of BCAM as a Research Technician investigating the epidemiology of football injuries and their risk factors through the Math4Sports project.

Jone Retolaza

Industrial engineer

Head of Innovation at the Industry X Center – Accenture

Juana Valer

Materials Engineering with the Specialty of Mechanics

Responsible for the Materials and Processes Department of Aernnova Engineering Division, participating in the design, manufacture and certification of aeronautical structures

Juliet Bray

Startup Support Manager

Coordinates the design and implementation of EIT Food’s incubator and accelerator to support entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that solve the challenges of the agri-food sector

Juncal Uriol Lekaroz

Higher Telecommunications Engineer

Campus: Donostia

Researcher in the Digital Media & Communications department at the applied research centre, Vicomtech. Currently pursuing a PhD specialising in 5G/6G networks, Blockchain DLT and data monitoring and analysis.

June Hidalgo Castañeda


Doing his PhD at Neiker, where together with the Microbial Soil Ecology Group he studied different strategies for the recovery of contaminated soils

Lara Rodríguez Ortega

RIS Project Manager, Food Technologist

Coordinates EWA – Empowering Women in Agrifood, the European programme that supports women entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector to develop successful businesses in 8 countries

Larraitz Etxeberria

Degree in Biology

Content on the permanent exhibition and dissemination of science

Laura Acebo

PhD in Materials Science and Technology

Campus: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Engineer and researcher at Optimus3D, dedicated to additive manufacturing.

Laura Bozal Basterra

PhD in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Post-doctoral researcher at CIC bioGUNE.
She works in the Cancer signalling and metabolism laboratory investigating the mechanisms that lead to prostate cancer metastasis.

Laura Odriozola

Veterinary medicine

Dissemination of the value of ecosystems

Leire Alonso Oqueranza

Technical Engineering in Telecommunications Systems

Advanced Substation Digitization

Leire Balzategui Urrutia

Bide, ubide eta portuetako ingeniaria. Garraio Plangintza eta Ingeniaritzako Masterra

Campus: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Civil Engineer. Master in Transport Planning and Engineering

Leire Benito Ortiz de Urbina


Integration and optical characterisation of earth observation telescopes for satellites in SATLANTIS.

Leire Calleja

Software Developer

Maintenance, update and development of software and applications in Spyro ERP.

Leire Celaya

Predoctoral researcher

Advanced multifunctional materials for the controlled release of drugs based on inorganic-organic clusters

Leire Malaxetxebarria Arriaga

Superior Technique in Electrical Product Development

Ecodesigned electrical substation: efficiency and sustainability

Leire Mendizabal Echeverria

Technical Engineering in Industrial Electronics

Next Generation 12+MW Rated, Robust, Reliable and Large Off-Shore Wind Energy Converters for Clean, Low Cost and Competitive Electricity

Leticia Zamora Cadenas


PhD in Telecommunications Engineering, she is focusing her research in the Ceit Technology Centre on the design, implementation and analysis of real-time indoor and outdoor location systems with radar (CSS, UWB) and cellular technologies. She has designed data fusion algorithms for location systems using least squares, maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimation techniques. She is also in charge of managing collaborative research projects with companies to integrate location systems in their products/services or systems.

Lore Zumeta Olaskoaga

Graduate in Mathematics (UPV/EHU) and Master in Statistics and Operations Research (UPC-UB)

During her master’s degree she specialised in biostatistics and began to learn about the applications of statistics in the field of healthcare. In one of her first studies she investigated the evolution of patients with acute pancreatitis, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, discharge or death from this disease, and the factors influencing this evolution.

Lorena Germán Ayuso

Chemical Engineering

R&D, design, formulation, processing and characterisation of polymeric materials

Maialen Bengoa

Laboratory technician

Development of polymeric and pharmaceutical formulations.

Maialen Ramírez Becerro

Laboratory technician

Development of polymeric and pharmaceutical formulations.

Maider Núñez Ibero

Master's in Industrial Organisation Engineering in Marketing

Leading a team that provides ongoing training to customers and technical support.

Maitane Gurrutxaga Pagola

Mechanical engineer

Energy solutions for mines

Maitane Urien

Master's degree in biomedical research

Head of BIOLAN HEALTH’s Lateral Flow Department, he works on lateral flow immunoassays with the aim of bringing new diagnostic tools to market, with which it is possible to make a quick and accurate diagnosis, in a simple way

Maite García Sebastián

Bioinformatics. PhD in Computer Engineering

His work at FUNDACIÓN CITA-alzhéimer Fundazioa encompasses the processing of brain imaging of Magnetic Resonance for the detection of structural patterns in neurodegenerative processes, and project management for the financing of research

Maite Mujika

Researcher in the Biodevices group

Development of microdevices for detecting and monitoring various biological agents and microorganisms.

Maitena Concha Pagoaga

Degree in Sciences-Physics

Digital value network for advanced services based on connected machines

Margarita Rodríguez Montes

Degree in computer science

Advanced Substation Digitization

Mari Carmen Echevarria Durán

Development of advanced accessibility and forecasting modules for a wind converter

Research in cybersecurity technologies for the deployment of a safer electrical network

Mari Carmen Romero Jiménez


Análisis, diseño, desarrollo y optimización de procesos críticos de Bases de Datos

Maria Ángeles Cabañero Martínez

PhD in electrical engineering. Researcher at CIC energiGUNE.

I am currently researching the ageing processes of the next generations of lithium-ion batteries in different public and private projects. I have been working for 10 years in the area of batteries, in industries and national and international research centres. I am doing my bit to achieve a change towards sustainable mobility and 100% renewable energy production.

María Arnaiz González

Postdoctoral Researcher in the Cell Prototyping Group

Currently his scientific interest focuses on the development and scaling of Hybrid Capacitors, with a special focus on electrode processing and characterization, as well as the optimization and development of end systems

Maria Arostegi

Graduate in Mathematics

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Since 2000, he has worked in two different teams at TECNALIA. In his first stage, until 2017, he worked with the Mechanics and Iron and Steel Processes team. In his second stage, he joined the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science team. She is currently working on her thesis on ‘Explainable continuous learning over data streams’, within the framework of the UPV/EHV PhD programme, part-time, in the field of Information and Communication Technologies in Mobile Networks.

María Domínguez Machín

Doctoral thesis

Technical R&D Manager

María Isabel Barriocanal Benito

Technical Engineering in Electricity

The eco-designed electrical substation: efficiency and sustainability

María José Granado

Computer Engineer

Strategic project management at Spyro Software.

Maria Larrinoa

HR Business Partner

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Specialised in the recruitment, selection and development of STEAM professional profiles to be hired by the company.

María Ortiz de Zárate Retana

Head of Marketing and Digital Development

His work focuses on transmitting and disseminating to society the advances of science as well as the various research projects that are carried out at Fundación CITA-alzheimer Fundazioa. Raising awareness among society of advances in Alzheimer’s research through marketing campaigns

María Regato Herbella

PhD Student in Applied Chemistry and Polymeric Materials

Synthesis and characterization of macro and microgels made of temperature sensitive polymers, ph and redox. These systems are interesting for their biocompatibility, low toxicity, specific responsiveness and water retention, among others. They are able to retain and release drugs in the structure allowing their use in the treatment of wounds or diseases

María Ruiz-Lopetedi Meaurio

Degree in Economics and Business Studies. M.B.A. Specialising in Foreign Trade.

Campus: Donostia

Deputy Managing Director and Director of Marketing and Communication at AFM Cluster, being a member of the Management Committee and the Board of Directors. Also, member of the Communication Committee of CECIMO, the European machine tool association based in Brussels.

Marie Lallier

Researcher at the BCBL

Investigates the neurocognitive basis of developmental language disorders such as dyslexia or Specific Language Disorder (SLD).

Marina Kalashnikova

Staff Scientist

I study how babies aged between 0 and 2 learn sounds and words in their mother tongues

Marta Cañada Rodríguez

Top imaging technician for diagnosis

Performs MRIs on patients and volunteers of projects at Fundación CITA-alzheimer Fundazioa

Marta Conde Solana


Analysis, design, development and optimisation of critical database processes

Marta Fernández-Santidrian

Production Technician

CVD graphene film business area

Marta González Rodríguez

Informatika Ingeniaritza

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Ventures Digitaleko arduraduna – Tecnalia

Marta Ormazábal

Degree in Mathematics

Sustainable Improvement Group in Tecnun’s Industrial Organisation Department. Her area of research focuses on helping companies to become part of the circular economy

Matxalen Uriarte

PhD in Biochemistry, Founder Universal OMICS

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Development of the startup IA biotech. Application of deep learning to bio metadata for the design and calculation of drug effectiveness.

Mercedes Gómez de Arteche Botas

Chemical engineer

Campus: Donostia

Its activity is based on research and development of new industrial heat revalorisation solutions, especially low temperature heat for process integration to optimise the energy efficiency of the industrial plant and contribute to decarbonisation.

Meritxell Gómez Omella

Predoctoral Researcher

She focuses her activities on developing and tuning algorithms through a combination of information processing and unsupervised learning techniques to monitor the condition and quantify the degree of abnormality. She is also involved in other projects related to data processing and predictive analytics, providing her expertise in mathematics, statistics and machine learning.

Miren J. Sánchez Lara

Senior Researcher in Offshore Renewables

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Industrial engineer with more than 13 years of experience in Offshore Renewable Energies. My line of research at TECNALIA and my collaboration with NAUTILUS FS engineering focuses on designing and optimising the costs of floating structures for offshore wind, thus helping to build a cleaner future. By innovating in this exciting field, I show that women also lead in technical sectors.

Miriam Castro Romaña

Environmental Technician

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Development of the Environmental Footprint of different products and services through the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodology. As well as the Organisational Carbon Footprint of the Cooperatives that form part of the Mondragón Group.

Mirian Ecay Torres

Neuropsychologist. PhD in Health Psychology

Develops its healthcare and research activity focused on the prevention of cognitive decline and the characterization of the preclynic and prorthromic phases of Alzheimer’s disease at the Cita-Alzheimer Fundazioa Foundation

Mónica Lecue Pérez

Industrial Engineer

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Design of new components and optimisation of structures for industrial storage systems and metal racking for large loads at AR Racking.

Monserrat Casas Cabanas

Scientific Coordinator Electrochemical Storage Area

His research focuses mainly on the design of functional materials for energy storage and understanding of the phenomena that occur in energy storage on a different scale

Nagore Brazal Cortaberria

Computer Engineer

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Cybersecurity R&D project manager, looking for innovative ideas to improve industry’s detection and reaction to cyber threats.

Nagore Garmendia

PhD in Engineering Physics

Low and high power radio frequency laboratory manager

Nagore Ortiz Vitoriano

Head of air metal battery research line

He has focused his research on the development of fundamental studies and the design of electrode materials for use in energy storage systems (such as solid oxide fuel cells, ion Na batteries or metal-air)

Naiara Trueba Oquiñena

Senior Telecommunications Engineering

Research in cybersecurity technologies for the deployment of a safer electrical network

Naiara Unzurrunzaga Estefanía

Technical Engineering in Industrial Electronics

Artificial intelligence in predictive maintenance and process optimization. Digital value network for advanced services based on connected machines

Naroa Goikoetxea-Usandizaga

Biochemist. PhD in molecular biology and biomedicine.

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Researcher in the Liver Disease Laboratory at CIC bioGUNE. I am researching the involvement of mitochondria in liver diseases in search of new therapies. With the aim of bringing laboratory findings closer to the clinic, we have just created the company Gibela Therapeutics.

Naroa Setién

Advanced Diploma in Environmental Health

Manager of the Animalia room in the Eureka! Science Museum

Natalia Elguezabal


Study the interaction of immune cells with pathogens to better understand infectious processes and to be able to apply this knowledge to the development of new vaccines against animal diseases, some of which can affect humans

Natalia Macua Langa

Senior Automatic and Electronic Industrial Engineering

On the Research & Development of Technologies towards Zero Emission Coastal Vessels

Natalia Río

Predoctoral researcher

Magnetically shaped memory alloys (MSMA) are a promising and relatively new class of intelligent materials characterized by macroscopic deformations when an external magnetic field is applied

Natalia Souto Aranegui

Telecommunications engineer

PLM Solutions Specialist, Telecommunications Engineer performing requirements gathering for the design and implementation of Teamcenter PLM production deployments, providing application support as well as effective user training, and responding to customer requests throughout the project lifecycles.

Nekane Fontál Merino

Ingeniería Superior de Telecomunicaciones

Digital value network for advanced services based on connected machines

Nerea Isasti

Researcher in the Materials and Manufacturing division

Thermomechanical processing and the development of new steel grades

Nerea Ordás

Materials Engineering

Her research is mainly focused on developing materials for extreme applications, including nuclear fusion and the petrochemical industry. Currently, her main lines of work are as follows: high-performance copper alloys, oxide dispersion-strengthened (ODS) stainless steel with high hot creep resistance, super-duplex stainless steels with high corrosion resistance, all obtained through the powder metallurgy process and including consolidation through the simultaneous application of pressure and temperature (Hot Isostatic Pressing, HIP). Furthermore, in recent years, she has taken part in research projects to develop strong bonds between dissimilar materials through solid state diffusion, by applying HIP, and obtaining metal components through additive manufacturing.

Nicoletta Biondo

Linguistics and cognitive sciences

Campus: Donostia

Postdoctoral researcher who studies how brain lesions, like those caused by stroke, impact linguistic and cognitive abilities.

Noelia Vidales Núñez

Senior Telecommunications Engineering

La subestación eléctrica ecodiseñada: eficiencia y sostenibilidad

Noemí Pérez

Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Researcher in the “Wireless Instruments” group

Nuria Alegret Ramón

Postdoctoral Researcher

The core of her research is a chemical synthetic effort to prepare revolutionary bio-hybrid 3D constructs composed of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for nerve and in cardiac tissue engineering and their application both in vitro and in vivo in CIC biomaGUNE.

Nuria Bilbao Rementeria

Telecommunications engineer

She works at Automation Devices, where she is responsible for monitoring systems. This consists of the design and programming of monitoring solutions, especially for rotating machines, and covers the design of both the internal SW of Ingeteam’s systems and the web applications for their management.

Nuria Gisbert Trejo

PhD in Business Management, Knowledge and Innovation. Industrial Engineer

Director General of CIC energiGUNE. member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance-BRTA and a cooperative research centre in thermal and electrochemical energy storage which, with the support and vision of the Basque Government, has become one of the 5 European reference centres in this area

Nuria Parra Valverde

HW&SW Development Engineer

He is a member of the Technology Department of VELTIUM SMART CHARGERS, a company focused on the design and manufacture of chargers for electric vehicles. His activity is focused on the development of firmware and hardware for chargers, both for domestic and public use, contributing directly to sustainable mobility.

Oihana Txoperena

Scientific Researcher

Research in the CVD graphene film business area

Oihane Gartziandia

PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology

Development of topically applied products. Controlled release of active ingredients from biomaterials.

Oihane Mitxelena


Expert in the design and manufacture of microfluidic devices and the experimental design and analysis of cell behaviour in controlled microenvironments. Her professional experience is focused in the area of nanovehicles and microfluidics, developing testing tools to determine new treatments for cancer.

Olatz García Aguinaco


Analysis, design, development and optimisation of critical database processes

Olatz Iparraguirre

Research associate

V2X communication and the programming and development of tools applied to the monitoring of road conditions, road safety and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS)

Onintze Salazar Pérez

Degree in Physics, specialising in Meteorology. Master in Environmental Engineering and Master in Scientific Culture.

My main work in recent years has focused on disseminating and communicating Euskalmet’s meteorological information through multiple channels, including social networks. I advise the Basque Government’s Directorate of Emergency Services and Meteorology on issues related to meteorology and its dissemination and I respond to requests from different media, whether radio stations, written and digital press, television and others.

Patricia Fernández López

Predoctoral Researcher

She focuses her activities on the development, functionalisation and characterisation of new ceramic coatings obtained using plasma electrolytic oxidation technology

Patricia Lastra Luque

PhD in Growth Biology in Big Pelagics

Senior Researcher at AZTI, specifically in the area of Sustainable Fisheries Management belonging to the Marine Research Unit

Patricia Llamazares

Software Analyst Programmer

Research, analyse, develop and implement solutions to customer needs and requirements in Spyro ERP.

Patricia Muñoz Garrido

Degree in Biology and Biochemistry. Master's degree in Biomedical Research. PhD in Biomedical Research.

Campus: Donostia

CEO of QUATRE LAB, he leads innovation in quality control of advanced therapy drugs, driving excellence in the sector.

Patricia Tamés Ortega

Industrial Engineer

Campus: Donostia

She has been linked to the machine tool sector for more than 25 years, so her knowledge of this sector both nationally and internationally is quite extensive.

She is currently the Deputy Director of the General Management of AFM – Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and its Technical Foundation INVEMA, which is responsible for developing technological actions and services for the network of companies involved in manufacturing technologies.

She participates in various forums at national, local, European and international level.


Paula Álvarez Jorna

Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Since 1999 I have been working at AZTI as a specialist in the application of ichthyoplankton methods for stock assessment, fish growth and reproduction and fish larval ecology. Member of several ICES expert groups (WGALE, WGWIDE, WGMEGS) and chair of WGMEGS from 2006-2008. I have more than 25 years of experience as an oceanographic campaign manager.

Paula García Luque

Industrial Organisation Engineering

Management of software implementation projects within Industry 4.0.

Raquel Buitrago Jiménez


MES/MOM engineer. Evolution of production execution systems (MES) and implementation of MOM models to improve the performance of manufacturing operations.

Raquel Ferret

Chemical Engineering

Director of Business Development and Technology Coordinator

Raquel Gonzalez Teresa

PhD in Physics of Advanced Materials and Nanostructures

Director of projects and technology transfer at the BCMaterials Foundation – Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures. Raquel is in charge of the scientific management of the centre. In the world of science, an essential part of making the magic of research happen is centred on funding and resource management. Once that research bears fruit, it is very important to have the necessary capacities and tools to be able to transfer the knowledge generated to society. Her tasks are focused on promoting and encouraging BCMaterials’ participation in research projects. Developing project plans and budgets. Ensuring that deadlines are set and that team members have the support and resources they need to successfully complete the project. Managing stakeholder relations. Sourcing calls for proposals and supporting proposal writing. Identifying technologies and IP that have potential value and are suitable for transfer to another organisation. Negotiating licensing agreements and other legal contracts related to technology and IP transfer.

Raquel Rodríguez

PhD in Chemical Engineering

He has managed and participated in many projects (national and European) in the field of research, development and innovation in Food Processes through the use of new technologies

Regina Arias-Camisón

Industrial Engineer

Project Manager in Spyro Software.

Rosa Barrio Olano

Principal Researcher of the Ubiquitin and Development Laboratory

We work on research in the area of Biomedicine, analysing the role of protein modifications by ubiquitin family members, both during normal cell function and in pathological situations, e.g. rare diseases.

Saioa Arrizabalaga

Director of the Data Analysis and Information Management Group

Coordination of research projects in conjunction with businesses

Saioa Herrero López

Principal Researcher

The aim of the project that she is leading is to develop a new configuration for central receiver solar thermal power plants for the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of this technology in the market (http://capture-solar-energy.eu ). More specifically, her work is focused on project management, the design, manufacture, installation and integration at all levels of a regenerative system that enables the thermofluidic connection of the solar receiver to the turbine.

Saioa Santos Vizcaíno

Graduate in Pharmacy

Campus: Vitoria-Gasteiz

Project Manager in a biotechnology company (CDMO), where we combine scientific precision, innovation and advanced technology to develop treatments of high biological value for serious or rare diseases. I have a degree in Pharmacy from the UPV, with a specialisation in Industrial and Galenic Pharmacy from the University of Navarra. In 2019 I joined the Liof Pharma team.

Sandra Seijo

PhD in Physical Engineering

Data scientist

Sara Arranz

Chemistry and Dr. in Nutrition and Metabolism

His research is based on studying how food influences our health and specifically I apply this knowledge for the study of obesity in both adults and children

Sara Garbisu Unceta-Barrenechea


Director of Projects in the Engineering Department

Sara Sendino Mouliet

Doctoral thesis

Research on SLM technology

Sendy Caffarra

Postdoctoral Researcher

Neural basis of the acquisition of reading skills in deaf children / adults with normal development

Shandra Sainz


Her research activity is mainly focused on developing high-performance powder metallurgy steels with low alloy content; designing new compositions aimed at creating specific microstructures to obtain the desired properties. She has taken part in international projects, working together with businesses from the sector, both powder producers and manufacturers of components. Additionally, within the processing and characterisation of metal powders she has focused on compaction and the interaction of materials with the atmosphere to which they are exposed, in the latter case in relation to stainless steel. She has sat on the committee for three doctoral theses related to this subject. She has recently focused her attention on additive manufacturing and, more specifically, microstructural characterisation. She also performs element analyses using ICP-OES, a technique for which she is responsible in the centre. The non-confidential results obtained have led to 40 articles for conferences and specialist journals.

Sheila Maiz

Predoctoral researcher

4D printing is presented as a necessary contribution to the development of new scaffolding based on polymeric hydrogels for the development of new therapies in regenerative medicine

Silvia Sáenz

Telecommunications Engineering

Logistics and materials

Silvia Vázquez Díaz

PhD in Research

Biological synthesis of atomic nanoclusters with improved fluorescence and catalytic properties and their application in bioanalytical systems and biosensors

Sonia Flórez

Dr. in Chemical Sciences and Rpble LT Multifunctional Materials

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

In my day-to-day work I manage projects focused on the development of innovative multifunctional materials integrating disruptive technologies for the transport and packaging sectors.

Sonia Maza

Degree in Biochemistry

He has been working for 10 years in biotech at BIOLAN, executing R&D projects aimed at the design and obtaining of new enzymes, using various molecular biology techniques, for use as biological recognition elements of biosensors

Sonia Muela Ortiz de Quintas

SAFETY control systems for OFF-SHORE wind turbines

Development of advanced protection and measurement algorithms for very high-voltage lines

Sonia Prieto González

Degree in Economic Law

Public sector consultant in the Basque Government

Susana Carregal Romero

Research associate

Research into the pulmonary administration of nanomedicines and the effect of their physicochemical properties on their end use and efficiency.

Susana Larzabal Ramos

Degree in Sciences-Physics

Advanced analytics solutions for reconfigurable production process management

Susana López Pérez


She is part of Tekniker’s Mechanical Engineering unit in the group that specialises in Thermal Engineering. We design, simulate and test thermal and hydraulic components and systems and develop operational and optimal control strategies for those systems.

Tamara Fernández-Arévalo

Ingeniería Química

R&D+i studies and projects to improve water, waste and energy management and treatment in urban and industrial environments

Tania Marcos Fernández

Superior mechanical project development technique

Next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonization over the next decade

Teresa Esteban

Predoctoral Researcher

Researching cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease

Teresa Ruiz Martínez


For more than 20 years I have been working in the electrical energy sector, in the development of protection devices for electrical networks, in the generation and distribution of medium and high voltage. My work covers both the design and development of embedded software and the verification of its correct operation, as well as supporting the engineering department in its installation.

Vanesa Benito

Degree in Chemical Sciences

Development of R&D+i projects related to water treatment

Violeta Costa

Industrial engineering

Director of the Industry X and Public Services Center of the Basque Country – Accenture

Virginia Matesanz Riaño

Degree in Economics and Business Studies

Campus: Zamudio/Derio

Director of Innovation at Basque Food Cluster. Lecturer in Customer Experience, Retail, Consumer Behaviour and Product and Price Management in undergraduate and postgraduate courses at CámaraBilbao Business School, Cesine, Universidad del Atlántico, UPV and IED Kunsthal. I promote collaborative innovation in the Basque food value chain in order to achieve a more competitive sector.

Virginia Sáez

PhD in Polymer Chemistry

Specialist in the synthesis and characterization of polymer matrices, elastomers, hydrogels, nanoparticles, therapeutic coatings, controlled drug release, in vitro assays

Zelai Sáenz de Urturi

Engineer MLOPS

Implementation of Machine Learning models to improve productivity and optimise plant production processes in the metal industry.

Ziortza LLona Ugarte

Senior Industrial Engineering

Advanced Substation Digitization

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