Six new companies present their activities at K-business, an initiative to connect companies in the Euskadi Technology Park

BasqueCCAM, Edinor, Ernst Schweizer AG, Qualipharma, Ulma Embedded and Seaquenz are some of the organisations that have set up on the different campuses of the Basque Country Technology Park in recent months and which have taken part in this meeting space.
The initiative, in which 30 people from 22 organisations in the Technology Park have taken part, has facilitated the holding of 26 B2B meetings between them in the near future.
At the K-business meeting, the Basque Country Technology Park presented six new entities from the group of companies that have recently set up on its different campuses. Basque CCAM, Edinor, Ernst Schweizer AG, Qualipharma, Ulma Embedded and Seaquenz presented their activities, products and services in this meeting space, in which 30 people from 22 entities of the Technology Park took part. As a result, 26 B2B meetings have been formalised between them.
There have now been 20 editions of these meetings, in which a total of more than 300 participating entities have taken part and which have facilitated the holding of more than 600 bilateral meetings, many of which have culminated in commercial agreements. In this sense, the Technology Park reminds us that the main objective of these K-business conferences is to promote contact, collaboration and business development.
Round of presentations
The conference, which was attended by around thirty people, included a round of presentations by each of the companies, and enabled 26 bilateral meetings to be held to promote contact, opportunities for collaboration and business development between the registered entities.
The BasqueCCAM association promotes the generation of an R&D and innovation ecosystem for the promotion of technologies and solutions for Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM) in the Basque Country, with local, national and international projection. From the Donostia Campus and with presence in the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus, it seeks to promote research, development and innovation, generating a high potential for the creation of mobility products and services based on digitalisation.
Edinor, a 100% subsidiary of REPSOL, promotes distributed energy solutions based on shared self-consumption and the joint purchase of energy from the Abanto Campus. Through local energy communities, it promotes the participation of citizens, local authorities and companies in distributed energy projects, encouraging the generation of renewable energy within the city or municipality where its members live. To this end, the roofs of buildings (both public and private) are used to install renewable generation sources and share this energy in a collective self-consumption system.
Ernst Schweizer AG, located on the Zamudio/Derio Campus, manufactures roof-mounted solar module mounting structures and integrated photovoltaic roof systems. It brings solar technology to every building with minimum effort. The patented Solrif photovoltaic roof system replaces the classic tile cladding on pitched roofs. The MSP mounting system offers solutions for classic PV systems on flat, pitched or metal roofs.
Qualipharma provides global support to all those sectors that are governed by strict quality parameters on a daily basis, such as the cosmetics, hospital, pharmaceutical and food sectors. From the Zamudio/Derio Campus, it offers 5 different lines of business: consultancy, qualifications, validations, calibrations and training, which, perfectly coordinated with each other, manage to provide a comprehensive response to your projects in an agile and precise manner.
ULMA Embedded Solutions, with a new office in the Donostia Campus, offers engineering and consultancy services in the life cycle of the electronic product. Its catalogue of services includes systems engineering in regulated sectors with high regulatory requirements (automotive, aeronautics, etc.), industrial electronic product design and the development of measurement, test and control systems. In addition to this, it has developed an innovative and cyber-secure end-to-end IoT solution for industrial asset monitoring with AI capabilities.
Seaquenz is an engineering company located on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus, focused and results-oriented in the challenge of sustainable transition. The company’s focus is on aerospace and wind engineering. Using its know-how and startup mentality, Seaquenz achieves functional, ready-to-use and incrementally improved concepts.
K-business is the Networking service of the Basque Country Technology Park, which aims to help companies to get to know and interact with other companies and agents in their environment, identifying and generating opportunities for collaboration and business development. The K-business service is part of the BEParke initiative of the Euskadi Technology Park, which aims to cover the different needs of business projects through a new catalogue of specialised services. In this sense, in addition to the K-business Networking service, the PARKE brand includes four other services: K-talent, K-impulse, K-future and K-media, designed to promote business, professional and personal development.