SMEs from Ezkerraldea, Meatzaldea and Enkarterri will show on 4 July how innovation has accelerated their results

Bizkaia, News

The main economic promotion agents of the three regions and the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, have invited the SMEs of the different territories to a conference in which they will inform them about the innovation services available to them.

The meeting will feature the real experiences of four SMEs from the surrounding area, which will present the benefits obtained by implementing innovative solutions in their processes.

The conference is part of the “Bizkaia Orekan Sakonduz” initiative, through which the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Beaz and Innobasque collaborate to boost territorial competitiveness.

The main economic and business promotion agents of Meatzaldea, Enkarterri and Ezkerraldea and the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, are inviting SMEs from the three counties to a conference to be held on 4 July.

The meeting, which will take place between 08:30 and 10:30 in the Sede-EIC Building, on the Abanto Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park, is part of the “Bizkaia Orekan Sakonduz” initiative, a collaboration between the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, Beaz and Innobasque that invites SMEs to improve their results, optimise their resources and boost their competitiveness and sustainability through innovation.

The aim of this conference focused on SMEs is to inform small and medium-sized companies in the region about the innovation support services available to them through their closest agents and how these can contribute to achieving their objectives.

To this end, the meeting will include a presentation of these services by Josu Bilbao, director of business and territorial competitiveness of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia-Beaz, Inmaculada Ugateche, general manager of Uniport, the multimodal logistics cluster of the Basque Country, and Luis Manero, director of innovation in SMEs at the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque.

Afterwards, representatives of four SMEs from the surrounding area will present the benefits obtained by implementing innovative solutions in their products and processes, as well as the difficulties they have overcome in the innovation process.

The participating SMEs belong to different sectors, representative of the regions, thus demonstrating that innovation is a key factor in boosting the competitiveness of any type of company.

Specifically, Jose Miguel Aranzabal, CEO of the Lacilla Group in Sopuerta, formed by the companies Cantera Lacilla, Hormigones Sopuerta and Lacilla Green and dedicated to the commercialisation of aggregates and concrete; Andrés Urrego, manager of Gurenergías from Barakaldo, specialising in the installation of renewable energy solutions; Mireia de Diego, head of innovation at Gutram, a company from Abanto-Zierbena belonging to the waste management and revaluation sector with a high environmental component; and Alex López, CEO of Revenant, an industrial machinery remanufacturing company based on high sustainability criteria. The business round table will be chaired by Arrate Robertson, head of business services at Meatzaldeko Behargintza.

The conference is open to SMEs from the three counties, subject to prior registration using this form. Places are limited.

Main county agents involved

The main agents for entrepreneurship and socio-economic promotion in the three counties involved, belonging to the Basque Innovation System, are combining their experience with that of the Basque Innovation Agency, Innobasque, in the organisation of the conference.

Thus, Meatzaldeko Behargintza, an agency for integral socio-economic development through the promotion of employment, the creation of companies and the development of existing companies, is participating on behalf of the Mining Area. The entity, which includes the municipalities of Abanto Zierbena, Muskiz, Ortuella, Trapagaran and Zierbena, offers companies services such as accompaniment in innovation and support for internationalisation, advice on how to obtain aid and training in ICT tools, among others.

The region of Enkarterri is present in the organisation through Enkartur, the development agency of its 11 towns, to whose companies it offers updated information on growth and development opportunities in the region, as well as advisory services in the processing of grants and accompaniment in innovation processes.

Finally, the municipal development and entrepreneurship services of all the municipalities that make up Ezkerraldea are taking part in the meeting: Inguralde, the Barakaldo agency for the promotion of employment, entrepreneurship and business innovation; Hazten, the Portugalete City Council service that integrates resources to support entrepreneurs, entrepreneurship and self-employment; and Behargintza Sestao, whose objective is the economic promotion of the municipality through employment, entrepreneurship and increasing the competitiveness of companies.


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