STREAM: The software that will revolutionise men’s health – Support E Process Med’s crowdfunding on Indiegogo!

The future of men’s healthcare is here. STREAM is an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) software designed to monitor male urological health easily and accurately.
The company E Process Med, based at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park, uses a multi-platform system (PC, smartphone and smartwatch) called STREAM to analyse urinary flow sounds in real time, detecting possible urinary tract anomalies. With this technology, men can obtain valuable information about their health from the comfort of their own home.
To make this revolutionary breakthrough a reality, they have launched a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo (link). Their goal is to raise €70,000 to develop STREAM and offer an accessible, non-invasive and effective solution.
If you want to be part of the change in men’s health, you can join their campaign on Indiegogo.
The Problem: Urological health and late diagnosis
Many times, men overlook symptoms and alerts of a possible abnormality in their urological health so they ignore the relevance of professional help until problems become acute. One of the main urological disorders in older men is an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH). This condition causes bothersome symptoms such as:
✔️ Difficulty urinating
✔️ Interruption of urinary flow
✔️ Frequent need to go to the toilet, especially at night
✔️ Sensation of incomplete voiding
The big problem is that many men delay seeking help, which can lead to more serious complications such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones or even kidney failure.
Currently, there are no accessible solutions to monitor these problems without going to a doctor. This is where STREAM comes in.
The solution: STREAM, AI for men’s urological health
STREAM is the first AI platform that analyses the sound of urine flow to detect potential abnormalities in male urological health.
How does it work?
1️⃣ Urinary sound recording: The smartwatch or smartphone captures key metrics while the adult male urinates at home.
2️⃣ AI analysis: Advanced algorithm analyses key data.
3️⃣ Results in seconds: STREAM provides a detailed report with alerts for possible anomalies.
4️⃣ History and recommendations: Data is stored for long-term monitoring and can be shared with clinicians.
Benefits of STREAM
Early prevention: Detection of potential urological problems.
Continuous monitoring: Track urinary health.
Privacy and convenience: No need for frequent doctor visits.
Accessible and easy to use: Available on multiple devices (PC, smartphone and smartwatch), this technology allows thousands of men to take control of their health.
How can you support the campaign?
To make this project a reality, an e-campaign has been launched with a goal of €70,000.
Rewards for Sponsors
As a thank you, all sponsors will receive:
Early access to STREAM before its official launch.
Every contribution brings us closer to the goal of providing an innovative and accessible solution for men’s urological health.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What makes STREAM different from other medical solutions?
STREAM is non-invasive, affordable and AI-based. Unlike other methods, which require cumbersome testing.
Is it safe to use STREAM to diagnose prostate problems?
At this stage of development STREAM is not classified as a medical device, so it does not replace a medical consultation or medical devices indicated for this type of diagnosis. Instead, it can provide possible abnormal patterns that alert the user to potential problems and motivate them to seek professional attention.
What devices will be compatible with STREAM?
STREAM will be compatible with PCs, smartphones and smartwatches to ensure accessibility.
How will users’ privacy be guaranteed?
Data will be stored in an encrypted and secure way, without sharing information with third parties without your consent.
Can I participate even if I don’t have urinary problems?
Of course you can! Supporting on Indiegogo helps foster innovation in men’s health and ensures that more men will be able to access this technology in the future.