The Basque company BAIGENE opens the world’s first ‘Genetic Fitness’ centre on the Zamudio/Derio Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park

The company focuses its BAIGENE Method on the exhaustive analysis of the user, taking a sample of their saliva to identify the characteristics of their DNA and carrying out a general assessment of their condition for the subsequent design of an efficient nutrition and training plan to improve their state of health, reduce the risk of injury and maximise sports performance.
According to David Celorrio and José María Aznar, both doctors in Genetics and CEOs of BAIGENE, “the difference between Baigene and a gym is very big. The knowledge of genetics through its DNA allows us to reach a unique level of personalisation”.
The centre called BaigeneLAB is located in building 502 of the Zamudio/Derio Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park and has 450 metres, 3 differentiated rooms in its range of services and an “adaptive resistance machine” that is unique in the Basque Country for maximum intensity work for an age range of 45-99 years.
Baigene, which was founded in 2013 on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park, has PhDs in Genetics, Physical Activity and Sport, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Pharmacy and Medicine, and centres in Vitoria-Gasteiz and Bahrain. It will soon open a new space in Madrid.
The Basque company BAIGENE has opened its new Genetic Fitness centre on the Zamudio/Derio Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park (Ibaizabal bidea, 502), where it applies its revolutionary “Baigene Method”, a world pioneer, based on a comprehensive assessment of the user’s Genetics and Environment, to then establish the most efficient training-exercise and/or nutrition plan possible to suit the client’s needs. With one or two training sessions of approximately 30 minutes and guidelines for nutrition, supplementation and rest, the BAIGENE Method allows its users to improve their state of health, do sport in a healthier way, reduce the risk of injury, maximise physical performance, lose weight or fat mass, rebalance the body and eliminate pain and discomfort… All of this with a totally individual follow-up, with professional staff 100% dedicated to the client in each training session, as well as monitoring the evolution of the subject’s condition.
The Baigene method focuses on the exhaustive analysis of the user, taking a sample of their saliva to identify the existing differences in their DNA and carrying out a general evaluation of their current state: strength test, functional morphological test, imbalances and weak points of the musculature, lactate test, body composition and personal questionnaire to find out the needs of the client. “We analyse the differences in genes related to metabolic processes in the area of exercise and sport and in the area of nutrition. For example, the genes in charge of expressing proteins for the assimilation of nutrients, how we recover after exercise, intolerances, etc. Our path never stops, as we are at the forefront of a service that requires continuous updating”, stresses David Celorrio, PhD in Genetics at the UPV/EHU and CEO of BAIGENE, who highlights the recent investment in a unique machine in the Basque Country for maximum strength work through adaptive resistance.
Then comes the planning and monitoring phase, in which an exercise, nutrition and supplementation plan is designed to enable the subject to achieve their objectives. The BAIGENE Method workouts stand out for their efficiency – one or two training sessions per week – and for their innovative technique that reduces the risk of injury to a minimum. The “BAIGENE Strength Method” type of strength training allows maximising results, based on postural hygiene, among many other parameters that guarantee the adequate and effective execution of each exercise. In addition, each user is accompanied by the training staff on an individual basis, and the planning and condition of the user will be designed, applied and monitored.
The new 450 square metre centre on the Zamudio/Derio Campus joins the existing centres in Vitoria, on the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park, in Bahrain and the soon to be opened centre in Madrid. It will be divided into different areas, depending on the function of each of them: a specific nutrition area, an environmental assessment room where muscular and morphofunctional tests and evaluations will be carried out, and the training area, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery that is unique in the Basque Country. This equipment will allow users to train with maximum efficiency and exercise strength without any risk of injury.
BAIGENE arrived in Vitoria-Gasteiz in 2013 offering a revolutionary training method to elite athletes, sports enthusiasts, people looking for a physical change or looking to improve their health. The combination of genetic science, nutrition and training allows users to improve their quality of life.
The BAIGENE team is made up of a multidisciplinary team, who live together in the same centre where the whole range of personalised services is offered. On the other hand, BAIGENE has carried out research with renowned personalities from the medical world, such as Doctor Mikel Sánchez and his Arthroscopic Surgery Unit or entities such as the UPV/EHU, the University of Deusto or the Vital Foundation.
Although the centre is aimed at all kinds of people who want to improve their quality of life, there are many people dedicated to elite sport in different disciplines who have already experienced the efficiency of the Baigene Method in their own bodies: athletes such as Martín Fiz, the cyclist Joseba Beloki, the ex-footballer Aritz Aduriz, the pelota player Mikel Urrutikoetxea, the aizkolari Aitzol Atutxa or the Basque pentathlon champion Xabier Zaldua, among many others.
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