The Basque Country joins once again in the celebration of the “INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCIENCE”

Within its Strategic Plan, the Basque Country Technology Park has a specific line of action linked to the promotion of professional women, the importance of their role in science and technology, and the promotion of vocations. In addition to the different actions it carries out throughout the year, every 11 February, it joins the campaign for the “INTERNATIONAL DAY OF WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCIENCE”. Implemented by UNESCO, this day is an opportunity to promote full and equal access and participation in science for women and girls. According to UNESCO data “despite the fact that STEM fields are considered fundamental to national economies, most countries, regardless of their level of development, have so far failed to achieve gender equality in STEM”.
In this context, the Basque Country Technology Park supports and participates with various actions that will take place over the next few days, highlighting the visibility of leading women in science and technology in the Park, the active participation in the activities developed by “Emakumeak Zientzian” or the campaign launched together with the Provincial Council of Alava and the University of Deusto, which will take place in shops in Alava.
Since 2021, the period covered by the Strategic Plan, more than 6,000 young students have taken part in the different initiatives to promote scientific and technological vocations.