The Basque Country Technology Park and the networks of Vocational Training centres, Hetel and Ikaslan, hold the 10th edition of FP PARKE

Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, K·talent, News

More than twenty schools from all over the Basque Country took part in this initiative, involving 1,200 students.

FP Parke brings 1st Baccalaureate students closer to the many options that Vocational Training offers in companies dedicated to technology, science and innovation.

Biotechnology, robotics, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence companies, which develop cutting-edge solutions in the Basque Country Technology Park, need highly qualified technical profiles, and vocational training provides the practical and specific training that the labour market demands.

However, many secondary school students are still unaware of the opportunities that vocational training can offer them. In order to help them discover the many paths to technology, FP PARKE, an event that combines visits to companies with testimonials from former VET students working in these sectors, has been held for the last ten years.

More than twenty schools from all over the Basque Country have taken part in this initiative, involving 1,200 students:

In Alava, the Urkide, Corazonistas, Egibide, Presentación de María, Olabide, Veracruz, IES Zaraoabe and IES Lakua schools took part.

In Bizkaia, students from Centro San Luis, San Francisco Javier Ikastetxea, Colegio San José-Carmelitas, Colegio Azkorri, San Viator, Txorierri, IES Juan Antonio Zunzunegui BHI, IES Etxebarri BHI, IES Axular BHI and IES Cruces BHI.

In Gipuzkoa, students from IES Talaia, IES Oñati, IES Antigua Luberri, UGLE, Goierri and La Salle Berrozpe took part.

This broad participation reinforces the commitment of the educational centres to training and bringing students closer to the reality of the technology sector in the Basque Country.


After the initial welcoming and greetings, the conference gave way to the testimonies of those who have been vocational training students and are now working in companies in the field of technology. Their experiences help secondary school students to see vocational training as a way of working in innovation and technology or as a springboard towards specialisation courses or a university degree.


The students took part in a challenge designed to bring them closer to the business reality of the campuses of the three territories of the Euskadi Technology Park. Each of the teams into which the classes were divided was assigned a company, and they had to draw up a fictitious CV adapted to their needs. During the event, a prize was awarded to the team that produced the best CV, highlighting their capacity for analysis and adaptation to the demands of the sector.


Some thirty companies, located on the Vitoria-Gasteiz, Donosti and Zamudio/Derio Campuses of the Euskadi Technology Park, opened their doors to the students so that they could see first-hand the work being carried out in different technological sectors.

On the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus, the following companies took part: AJL Ophthalmics, Optimus 3D, SPC, Lek Ingeniería y Servicios, Alestis, AEG Power Solutions Iberica, Bic Araba, Guascor, Basquevolt, CTA and Del Valle Aguayo.

On the Zamudio/Derio Campus, Ayesa, ZIV, ESS Bilbao, Biolan, Sisteplant, CFAA – Centro de Frabricación Avanzada Aernaútica, Itelazpi, Syngoi, Satlantis and BIC Bizkaia took part.

On the Donostia Campus, the students were able to learn about the work of EITB Media, Viralgen Vector Core, VivebioTech, TSS-Spyro Software, Geminys, CIC biomaGune, BCBL, ILINE Microsystems, etc.

This initiative allows students to get closer to the reality of the world of work in cutting-edge companies and to explore the opportunities that vocational training offers them in the technology sector. It will also help to create links between the business fabric of the Euskadi Technology Park, which has the highest concentration of talent, and the academic world, in a context of high demand for new technological profiles.

It should be noted that the FP/Parke initiative has the STEAM Euskadi seal, obtained in the framework of the second edition of the STEAM Euskadi Sariak awards, organised by the Basque Government’s Department of Education and Innobasque to recognise excellent practices in the field of scientific-technological vocations.


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