The Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus will be filled with ‘Postcards to Space’ which, thanks to AVS, will travel in the New Shepard spacecraft with drawings and messages from children

The initiative, promoted worldwide by the organisation Space United FC, involved boys and girls from the Udalekus of the Technology Park and also children of people who work in Parke companies.
The Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus of the Basque Countru Technology Park has become for a few moments a small space base from which more than 90 children, children of staff from more than 20 Parke companies, have prepared their ‘Postcards to Space’. The aim of this initiative is to give boys and girls the opportunity to create a drawing or write a message about what Space represents for them, and for this original cargo to form part of the next flight of Blue Origin’s New Shepard spacecraft.
This activity has come to the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus thanks to AVS and the Space United FC organisation, which aims to promote space science among young people through educational and local initiatives. ‘For half an hour, the boys and girls have been able to use the postcard as a canvas for their imagination, and their messages and drawings will make a round trip to space’, said those responsible for the programme. In fact, after the orbital journey, the postcards will be returned to their creators with the stamp ‘Flown to Space’.
Previously, the participating boys and girls have been able to attend a talk on space technology, in which they have seen videos related to Space, and have been able to ask all kinds of questions about this aspect to the responsible of AVS and Space United FC.
The Technology Park has stressed that this initiative helps to spread the importance of space research in society, arousing curiosity from a young age, and that the presence in the Technology Park of companies such as AVS are essential for the Basque Country to be part of this process.