1 million euros to boost logistics innovation

The Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country is leading four new logistics innovation projects within the framework of the Innovative Business Clusters programme.
In total, it is participating with other partners and other AEI business clusters in seven projects worth 1.1 million euros.
The common objective of the projects will be to promote the digitalisation, efficiency and sustainability of logistics.
The Mobility and Logistics Cluster has mobilised 370,000 euros in the four projects it is leading to promote logistics innovation in the Basque Country, within the framework of the programme for Innovative Business Groups (AEI), promoted by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, aimed at entities qualified as such and their associated members. In addition, in collaboration with agents from Aragon, Catalonia and Madrid, the Cluster will be part of the consortia of three other innovative multi-regional initiatives, whose budget amounts to more than 750,000 euros. The seven new projects together amount to an investment of more than 1.1 million euros. The call for applications for this programme received 441 applications, and 279 were provisionally approved.
The four initiatives to be led by the Cluster have the common objective of promoting the digitisation and sustainability of logistics from different perspectives. The “Digilog” project will identify administrative processes susceptible to digitalisation and will promote the implementation of digital solutions in the sector. Along the same lines of searching for new opportunities, the “Tek4log” project will identify innovative sustainable technologies to improve the efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the supply chain. Its ultimate goal will be to generate new projects that accelerate their implementation in companies. On the other hand, the “Multilog” project will also seek, through success stories, new opportunities to promote multimodality and freight traffic management.
In addition, the cluster and partners Batura, Igarle and Wimbitek will work on an innovative system that will apply DLT technology for the establishment and enforcement of the next generation of contracts, known as “smart contracts”. DLT technology, along with other technologies such as blockchain, are non-centralised information storage systems that offer a secure solution for digital transactions, an innovative concept that is intended to be applied to the logistics segment.
In addition to the projects, the cluster will participate in the Pharmabot project, led by the Logistics Cluster of Aragon, Alia; the Muelle Digital 2 project, led by the Cluster Logistic de Catalunya; and the Plagedilog project, led by the Innovation Centre for Logistics and Transport, Citet.