A new Basque Enterprise that offers solutions to New Business Start-ups


An agreement made by the Head of the Basque Government Patxi López, will enable the formation of a common framework for New Business Enterprises, thanks to a new process of standardisation in the Basque Country. It creates a benchmark (a Basque Country Initiative) and a membership agreement between all involved parties. The consultancies who want to become partners must charge no more than €50 per hour as long as the new business is under 5 years old. A dedicated hotline (900 716 001) provides a greater ability in the search for quick solutions and a web page www.euskadiemprende.net that can help answer all your questions regarding these matters.

Basque Government, 21/05/2012

The launch of this Basque Enterprise Service will finally enable the Basque Country to have a common framework for Business Enterprises to operate in, thanks to a new process of standardisation (the members, the initiatives, the assistance, external consultants etc.) The Minister of Industry, Innovation, Commerce and Tourism Bernabé Unda has presented today in Bilbao, fulfilling the commitment made a few months ago by the Head of the Basque Government Patxi Lopez.

This initiative aims to “coordinate the existing resources and simplify the entrepreneurial administration involved.”

Managed since the beginning by SPRI (Society for Competitive Transformation), the Basque Enterprise Service can be a useful tool for those entrepreneurs who want to start up a business adhering to quality levels. Backed up the ‘Basque seal of commitment,’ it serves as an umbrella group to representatives, institutions and both public and private entities that want to be part of it in order to create a strict code of conduct and regulations for all members.

The first objectives of the Basque Enterprise Service are already in progress, because the Basque Start-up can already call a dedicated hotline (900 716 001) that can provide a greater ability to speed up the search for solutions and a webpage www.euskadiemprende.net that can help answer all your questions regarding these matters.

Another positive outcome of this Basque Government decision is that to become an authorised partner of the Basque Enterprise Initiative, in the case of consultancies, they must charge no more than €50 per hour as long as the new business is under 5 years old. In this way, they can be more accessible to start-up companies.


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