APTE and FUNDETEC to offer personalised industrial property assistance to SMEs


APTE, 29/12/2011

The Spanish Association of Science and Technology Parks (APTE) and the Fundetec Foundation have signed a collaboration agreement for joint development of a action plan for providing information and personalised assistance on Industrial Property rights management to entities and small and medium-sized enterprises linked to the Association’s member parks.

A series of awareness-raising meetings on patents and brands will be organised within the framework of the action plan, together with information sessions on the aid and subsidies available in this field, online tutored courses and other support measures for SMEs interested in finding out how to protect their innovations.

The agreement forms part of the initiative run by the Foundation together with the Ministry of Industry’s Directorate General for SME Policy (DGPYME) and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM) for presenting and publicising www.cevipyme.es, the virtual centre for industrial property management support for small and medium-sized enterprises, where the interested parties can discover the options best suited to their needs for protecting their innovative developments and the most efficient way of managing them and making them profitable after having obtained and registered the corresponding rights.


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