APTE expands its membership with the incorporation of the Science Park of the University of Salamanca

The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) and some thirty representatives of its member parks met at the Cordoba Technology Park on 18 and 19 October to hold their third General Assembly of the year 2023, where they welcomed a new science and technology park that has reached the category of Member, i.e. a park in operation, the Science Park of the University of Salamanca, as well as a new park project, Kudos San Fernando.
In addition, APTE presented the 6th Awards for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press and discussed how artificial intelligence can help the development of key activities in these ecosystems.
This III General Assembly of APTE 2023 was held within the framework of the Conference on Opportunities in the Defence Sector for Technological and Innovative Companies held in Cordoba by the Cordoba Technology Park together with the University of Cordoba, the Andalusian Regional Government, the Cordoba City Council and the Cetemet Foundation.
Likewise, this occasion has been used by APTE to debate on how artificial intelligence can help the development of essential activities in science and technology parks in a round table with the participation of: Javier Taibo, general director of the Parque Tecnolóxico de Galicia – Tecnópole; Miren Bilbao, manager of the Parque Tecnológico de Euskadi in Álava; Javier González, general director of the Parque Científico de la Universidad Salamanca and Soledad Díaz, managing director of APTE.
During the Assembly, tribute was also paid to the Vigo Technology Park on the 20th anniversary of its constitution. Ana María Mejías, Inés González and Rosa Eguizábal, representatives of the Vigo Free Trade Zone Consortium, received the recognition from Felipe Romera, president of APTE.
After the Assembly, the 6th Awards for the Dissemination of Science and Technology Parks in the Spanish Press were presented. This award, now in its 6th edition, aims to recognise the print and online media that best disseminate the activities carried out by science and technology parks throughout Spain.
In the category of digital media in regional/local press, the award went to ElPeriòdic.com. Magdalena Gutiérrez, its co-owner and manager, received the award from Felipe Romera and Eva Pozo, director general of the Cordoba Technology Park.
In the category of digital media in the national press, the award went to La Vanguardia. Celeste López, editor-in-chief of the Madrid branch of the newspaper, received the award from Felipe Romera and Juan Antonio Caballero, president of the Cordoba Technology Park.
In the regional/local print media category, the award went to Málaga Hoy. Antonio Méndez, director of the newspaper, received the award from Felipe Romera and Manuel Torralbo, rector of the University of Cordoba.
Finally, the award in the category of national print media went to Estrategia Empresarial. Roberto Urkitza, its managing director, received the award from Felipe Romera and José Carlos Gómez, the Andalusian Regional Government’s Minister for University, Research and Innovation.