ATS Global and UPV/EHU train you in Industrial Digitalisation

Digitalisation in industry continues to open up professional opportunities in Álava. In this case, Teamcenter PLM technology manages the complete life cycle of a product, from its conception to its discontinuation.
The software, implemented in the main companies in Alava in sectors such as automotive, aeronautics, machinery and railways, among others, is looking for new professionals to develop projects. In addition, the growing demand for these solutions means that the market requires implementers, administrators and consultants in this technology.
In order to master PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) technology, ATS, together with the Vitoria-Gasteiz School of Engineering, has structured a training programme divided into 2 courses:
Introduction to PLM Teamcenter product development management systems.
Administration of management systems for PLM Teamcenter product development.
Both courses, eminently practical, have the objective of mastering the software. Each student will have their own technological equipment and will practice in an environment similar to the real one. There are 16 places available on each course and the selected students will go on to work in the ATS engineering team. You can book your place here:
PLM Teamcenter PLM Technology courses in Vitoria-Gasteiz
The training, which this year celebrates its 11th edition, is aimed at the following profile of professionals and students:
Students and/or graduates of studies related to ICTs (engineering, degrees and training degrees).
Professionals with work experience in areas related to computer systems, application development or project management.
Students, graduates or professionals related to product development in any area.
Each of the two courses lasts 90 hours and will be held from Monday to Friday from 15:00 to 19:00. It will be held at the UPV/EHU School of Engineering in Vitoria Gasteiz, located at 12 Nieves Cano Street. The first course will run from 9 September to 9 October, while the second course will take place from 10 October to 12 November. The deadline for enrolment in both courses is 2 September 2024.
What do I get out of this training?
In addition to mastering Teamcenter PLM technology and being able to manage projects with this software, a percentage of students will go directly to work for ATS Global. For university students, each course will provide 9 ECTS credits in addition to the UPV/EHU Complementary Studies qualification.
175 per course to be paid at the time of enrolment (subsidy from the Provincial Council of Alava included). Remember that there are only 16 places available on each of the courses and that enrolment closes on 1 September.
Detailed programme of the courses
In the following document you will find how the course programme of the PLM Teamcenter technology courses in Alava will be organised. If you have any questions, please write an email to