Basque Open Industry: The Basque Intelligent Industry Meeting

Bizkaia, News

This new edition will be held on 13 and 14 November at the BEC in Barakaldo.

Organised by SPRI, it presents the maturity of an advanced manufacturing ecosystem designed to strengthen the Basque productive fabric.

A new edition of the Basque Smart Industry meeting, Basque Open Industry, organised by SPRI and taking place until Tuesday 14th November at the BEC facilities, is already underway.

It is a multidisciplinary event suitable for all professional profiles and sectors, as well as the general public interested in attracting and developing talent around cutting-edge technologies.

It brings together strategy, opinions, technology, experiences, workshops, presentations and fosters relationships around the talent of technological knowledge with a productive base:

Energy-environmental and technological-digital transitions.
Strategic vision for the productive industry.
Cybersecurity solutions and sustainable digitalisation.
Artificial intelligence opportunities.
Talent and internationalisation.

Basque Open Industry brings the Basque smart industry ecosystem closer to Europe. A varied ecosystem of professional profiles and sectors that places the Basque Country on the map of global advanced technological and innovative ecosystems, as the right environment to develop professionally and build a career for the future.

The event highlights the strength of a country with a productive base, with advanced manufacturing (Industry 4.0) as a key element of the region’s history. An objective that is being worked on through three transitions: energy-environmental (Green Euskadi), technological-digital (Digital Euskadi) and demographic-social (Inclusive Euskadi), which are being debated in its conference programme.

At Basque Open Industry, relations are fostered around technological knowledge with a productive base and collaborations are closed. A networking that works, if you want to establish relationships, access technology suppliers or market a product.



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