CIDETEC launches the battery manufacturing company CIDEcell

Europe is making a major effort to adapt to the requirements of new mobility and energy efficiency. A significant number of gigafactories will be needed to manufacture batteries on a large scale, but there is also an urgent need for agile and adaptable smaller-scale production to validate new material technologies and generate end products for specific applications.
Growing customer demand has led CIDETEC, a leading developer of battery technology in Europe, to create CIDEcell. Its production is aimed at materials manufacturers, technologists and battery manufacturers, as well as niche market battery applications, among others. The spin-off will produce customised electrodes and cells, tailored to each customer’s needs, offering a service focused on agility and flexibility.
CIDEcell opens to the market with a broad technology portfolio of advanced lithium ion, solid electrolyte, sodium ion, lithium sulphur and ultracapacitor batteries. The new company’s products are characterised by the use of innovative materials, including silicon anodes or cathodes free of high nickel and cobalt content. The new company also offers the possibility of manufacturing low environmental impact electrodes using water-based processes, free of organic compounds.
With an initial staff of five employees, production will reach 10MWh per year, with cell capacities ranging from one to 100Ah. Initially the cells will be manufactured in pouch format in a range of customer-tailored sizes, but with the focus on new prismatic and cylindrical dimensions within a year.
The company already has a portfolio of customers, as a result of the business relationships established in recent years from CIDETEC.