CIDETEC Surface Engineering advances as a Cervera Centre of Excellence with the start of the SURFERA-PLUS project

Gipuzkoa, News

It takes over from its predecessor – the SURFERA project – in the pursuit of excellence in surface technologies.

The project aims to have an impact on industry by strengthening technical and scientific capabilities.

The SURFERA-PLUS Network of Excellence project has started, as a continuation of the SURFERA network (CER-2019-1003), focused on Surface Technologies as an industrial driver. CIDETEC Surface Engineering participates in this initiative with which the CDTI grants its participants the qualification of Cervera Network of Excellence (CER-2023-1008). Led by AIN, the network also has the participation of TEKNIKER, IDONIAL and the recently incorporated CTME.

SURFERA-PLUS aims to extend the achievements of its predecessor through strategies that strengthen its technical and scientific capacities. It will focus on the valorisation of pilot plants and pre-industrial technological facilities, the adaptation of development and demonstration methodologies under the Safe & Sustainable by Design (SSbD) approach, and the implementation of data preservation principles according to FAIR methodologies, as well as in-depth multivariate analysis. These advances are expected to have an impact on industry through technology transfer.

The SURFERA-PLUS research programme focuses on solving technological demands in the transport and energy sectors, covering two main areas: advanced coatings and surfaces for extreme environments, and active (smart) surfaces and coatings. This network offers CIDETEC Surface Engineering the opportunity to advance its research lines and consolidate its position in the field of surface technologies. It also facilitates collaboration with other centres, strengthening the network as a benchmark of excellence for industry and the R&D system. Joint activities will include applied research, technological training, exploitation, internationalisation and communication of innovations to society.


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