Collaboration and business opportunities between entities of the Science and Technology Parks of Cantabria, Tenerife and the Euskadi Technology Park

Euskadi Technology Park has held the third edition of the annual meeting between Science and Technology Park organisations to generate opportunities for collaboration and business, which on this occasion was attended by organisations from the Science and Technology Parks of Cantabria and Tenerife and Euskadi Technology Park.
Euskadi Technology Park has held the third edition of a meeting that generates opportunities for collaboration and business between different companies from the participating Parks. This initiative is part of the K business service offered by the Euskadi Technology Park as a service that, through the creation of meeting spaces, helps Parke companies to establish relationships to develop business with other companies and agents in the surrounding area. Likewise, these conferences form part of the “twinning” between the participating Parks.
In addition to business interactions, the conference provided an opportunity to learn about success stories, with the participation of companies such as Ibermática An Ayesa Company, Ikusi and AVS Next, from the Euskadi Technology Park, IAC and Wooptix from the Tenerife Technology Park and the Cantabrian companies AMBAR and TTI belonging to the PCTC.
This new meeting was very well received, attracting 43 companies and facilitating 103 bilateral meetings.
The Science and Technology Park of Cantabria has joined the existing twinning between the Basque Country Technology Park and the PCT of Tenerife. In the words of the representatives of the Cantabrian park, this “twinning” and the participation in the initiative has allowed PCTCAN to broaden its knowledge of innovation models, learn about new working methods and management models. It has also opened the door to opportunities for collaboration and development between local companies and the more than 650 organisations and business initiatives in Tenerife and the Basque Country. This exchange promises to strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship network in the region”.