Euskadi Technology Park joins the think tank of partner companies promoted by Professional Women`s Network (PWN)

Along with 23 other entities, the Technology Park joins this initiative which represents an important step towards the promotion of gender equality and balanced leadership in Basque industry.
Following the signing of its adhesion by its director general, Itziar Epalza, the Euskadi Technology Park has joined the think tank set up by the Professional Women’s Network (PWN) at its headquarters in Bilbao, along with 23 other public and private entities.

The think tank to which the Euskadi Technology Park has joined as a partner is based as a tool for transferring the promotion of gender equality and balance in leadership within Basque industry to the day-to-day work of the participating organisations.
The involvement of the 24 partners, institutions and benchmark companies in the Basque economy, guarantees that the message will permeate the productive fabric.
The PWN is a global network of people who accelerate gender-balanced leadership in business and society through professional development and the creation of international, cross-sector, online and face-to-face networks.