International talent at your fingertips

In the context of the shortage of qualified personnel that we are experiencing, at the Euskadi Technology Park we are working to detect and present initiatives that can help you in attracting and retaining talent.

In this case, together with the University of Deusto and the Deusto-Bizkaia Global Innovation and Entrepreneurship Network (RIEG Deusto-Bizkaia), we would like to bring you an initiative to help you attract and incorporate STEM professionals from Latin America into your teams.

On 21 March we would like to invite you to an information session in which we will present RIEG Deusto – Bizkaia, an initiative led by the University of Deusto with the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and in cooperation with the universities of the AUSJAL Network (Jesuit Universities in Latin America), to identify and attract people with STEM profiles to companies in the territory of Bizkaia. This collaboration will be articulated through the new Dual Master’s Degree in Innovation and Technology, which will also be presented at this session.

If you want to accelerate your innovation process, counting -from September 2025 to June 2026- with the collaboration of people graduated in science, technology, engineering or practical mathematics areas, with a different perspective and supported by a global university network, do not fail to value this proposal.


10:00 – Welcome
Euskadiko Parke Teknologikoa

10:05- Introduction and context of the initiative.
José Luis Larrea, President of the Advisory Board of Deusto Social Lab.

10:15 – Bases on which the University of Deusto’s proposal is based.
Irene Cuesta, Director of Dual and Continuing Education.

10:30 – Presentation of RIEG Deusto-Bizkaia.
Garbiñe Henry, Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

10:45 – Mechanism for attracting talent: Dual Master in Innovation and Technology.
María Lambarri, Director of the Unit for Relations with Economic and Social Agents.

11:05 – Space for conversation: questions, doubts, comments.
Location: Central Building, Txorierri room, Zamudio/Derio Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park, Ibaizabal bidea 101, 48170 Zamudio.

Language of the event: Spanish


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21 March 2025


10:00 - 11:30


Campus Zamudio/Derio - Parque Tecnológico de Euskadi


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