Lanzo Batteries, CIDETEC’s new company for the manufacture of batteries for space, is born

The experience of the centre in Gipuzkoa offers a high speed of innovation and competitive costs by using technologies from the automotive sector.
Lanzo Batteries’ first battery will be launched into orbit in the coming months.
The growth of the space sector globally, and in Europe in particular, has led to an increase in demand for the components that make up a satellite, including batteries. Lanzo Batteries, the new spin-off of CIDETEC, has been created to fill this gap in the market and meet the demand due to the increase in space launches in recent years.
The knowledge acquired by CIDETEC in the research of the entire value chain of batteries for more than 25 years, allows Lanzo Batteries to offer cells with COTS or commercial components, as is done in the automotive sector. The adaptation of this process to space provides a cost advantage and a higher speed of innovation.
Lanzo Batteries offers modular, integrated and efficient battery concepts with a reduced weight that translates into more power for the satellite. The batteries produced by the new spin-off integrate more reliable and robust BMS monitoring methods, resulting in increased safety.
The new company was presented during the ‘Space Meeting’ organised by HEGAN (Aeronautics and Space Cluster of the Basque Country) at the Zamudio Technology Park on 30 May. Following this launch, Lanzo Batteries plans to put its first battery into orbit in the coming months and is already working on several missions with various partners in the sector. More information on the Lanzo Batteries website: