LKS Next relies on AI to accelerate sustainable business transformation

Bizkaia, News

The technology group creates a virtual assistant called LUR, created through Generative Artificial Intelligence with the aim of resolving all doubts about sustainability in the professional field.

Through LKS Next’s own website, this AI will provide its services free of charge to all professionals who ask questions about the new European sustainability regulations (CSRD Directive).

In addition, LKS Next closes an agreement with Prewave, the most advanced AI-based solution for risk and sustainability management in supply chains.

The technology consultancy LKS Next has just given a boost to the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the aim of helping in the sustainable transformation of companies with a double value proposition. Firstly, it has created a free digital assistant that, through Generative AI, aims to become a national benchmark in advice on business sustainability issues. Secondly, LKS Next has reached an agreement with the Prewave group to distribute nationwide the most advanced solution for risk and sustainability management in supply chains, also supported by artificial intelligence.

One of the first bets in the field of business transformation and sustainable digital transition has Basque technology. LKS Next has just launched a disruptive virtual assistant, called LUR (land, in Basque), aimed at providing free advice in the field of business sustainability. To do so, the consultancy group incorporates its knowledge and experience in technology and sustainability accumulated over almost 30 years of experience.

The main differentiating element of this virtual assistant is that it is created with Generative Artificial Intelligence. LUR IAGen was conceived with the aim of attending to and resolving, free of charge, all queries from organisations and professionals on the new European CSRD directive that regulates the requirements for the preparation of sustainability reports and how they have to be applied.

This is a pioneering experience in sustainability and regulatory compliance consultancy launched in Spain using artificial intelligence. Thus, once the virtual assistant resolves doubts on sustainability issues free of charge (the tool is directly integrated into the consulting group’s own website), users can, if they wish, contact LKS Next’s work teams directly.

We are completely sure that through LUR and its artificial intelligence,” explains Joseba Bilbao, business development director of the consultancy group, “we are going to provide companies and professionals with a tool to effectively improve the profitability and efficiency of their business projects, while also complying with the demanding parameters included in the new European CRSR directive in this area”.

In the opinion of this manager, LUR IAGen “was born, has been formed and continues to grow within LKS Next, a consultancy firm that has sustainability in its DNA, consistent with our cooperative principles. That is why we have assigned it the mission of guiding our present and future clients in their process of reflection and clarification of the path to follow in this area”.

Strategic partnership with Prewave

LKS Next’s push for the use of AI tools in the field of sustainability has a second avenue of growth. The consulting group has just signed a strategic alliance with the multinational Prewave to bring to the state market the most advanced AI-based IT solution for risk and sustainability management in supply chains.

LKS Next, through its alliance with Prewave, introduces in the Spanish market an innovative AI-based solution to solve the challenges faced by Procurement and Sustainability departments regarding traceability and due diligence in the management of supply chains and required by the CSDDD directive, the EUDR regulation or the conflict minerals regulation, among others.

With this solution based on Prewave technology, companies will improve the availability of the necessary information and significantly reduce the time and workload associated with the identification and analysis of sustainability risk data in their supply chains.

The solution offers functionalities that allow on the one hand to obtain traceability of supply chains, applying Artificial Intelligence to help automatically map tier 2, tier 3 and tier N suppliers. Secondly, it allows to identify and manage different types of risks (sustainability, disruption, financial/legal, compliance, etc.) present in supply chains to prevent and minimise their impacts. This allows companies to protect their competitiveness, reputation, business continuity and results, while ensuring compliance with new regulations.

Similarly, the solution provides visibility of supply chains and the risks associated with raw materials and key components, anticipating the management of disruptions and enriching sourcing strategies.


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