About us

We lead the social, digital and technology progress and transformation of Euskadi, contributing to the economic growth of the country.

Parke in figures

Find out more about the figures and statistics that demonstrate the relevance of the Parke in leading social and economic indicators


  • 9% PhD graduates

  • 30% R&D employees

  • 55% University graduates

  • 116 Patents applied for in 2023


  • 1% Of Basque companies are in Parke

  • 9% Dedicated turnover

  • 33% Business investment in R&D in Euskadi (Data 2023)


  • 8,2% GDP

  • 10,1% Employment

  • 8,2,7% Tax revenue from companies

  • Data based on the latest report published by EUSTAT

and companies

660 companies and technological agents. Sectoral weight of the activity of Parke companies

  • EICT 22.92

  • Health 18.14

  • Smart industry 14.46

  • Energy 13.1

  • Engineering 10.1

  • Mobility 6.82

  • Environment and sustainability 5.18

  • Food 5.46

  • Aerospace and aeronautical 3.82

Mission, vision and values

Parke aims to establish itself as an essential agent in the generation of projects for the future and for the Basque country, with green and smart infrastructures which contribute to improving the present and participate in the creation of the future of society.


“We build technological and business ecosystems, taking in and accompanying companies and talent that solve the challenges facing humanity.”


“Being essential to projects for the future and for the Basque country with reference-point, green and smart infrastructures. Being the place in which the present is improved and the future of society is created.”


  • Excellence
  • Clients: Our DNA
  • Social Commitment
  • Passion for challenges
  • Sustainability
  • We are a NETWORK


We have developed eight strategic lines with the aim of boosting the Euskadi transformation process through three main lines of action: grow, contribute and have an impact.


Geographic expansion and specialisation

Growth directed at greater specialisation, supported by the Basque Government's RIS3 strategy, and promotion of collaboration among companies and campuses.

Business expansion

Identification and inclusion of new business models which complement the existing structure through proactive and planned commercial action.

Smart and sustainable infrastructure

Evolution of existing infrastructures, and creation of new ones, towards a Smart/digital and sustainable model, that are established as benchmarks in innovation.



Positioning Parke as a key stakeholder in the company-society relation, able to promote specialised careers, with special attention given to women, and to increasing economic growth and the common good.

Network of alliances

Strengthening the network of alliances at national and international level to create more extensive ecosystems and to allow companies at Parke access to new projects.

Networking mode

Effective introduction of a networking model which improves existing processes and allows the introduction of new tools for standardising operational management.


Differential services

Development of services which can only be offered by Parke and which contribute to generating business value for companies.

The Parke Brand

Creation of a unique and recognisable brand identity, linked to the economic, technological and social activity of the Parke, able to attract new projects and ensure the loyalty of existing customers.

Solid institutional support

Collaboration among entities for progress

The Basque Country prides itself on having extensive institutional support, involving public institutions, organisations, banking, business and universities in a joint effort.

Arabako Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Álava
Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Bizkaia
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia / Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa
Donostia / San Sebastián
Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz
Zamudioko Udala
Álava Agencia de desarrollo
Bizkaia Azpiegiturak
Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

You too can form part of our ecosystem

Let us tell you how you can make the most of this community to boost the success of your company

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