‘Parkea Musik Fest’ returns to the Donostia Campus this Thursday with performances by three groups featuring professionals from companies in the Basque Country Technology Park

The event, which is free and open to anyone, will be held from 5 p.m. onwards in the Central Building of the Donostia Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park.
The groups Lila -DJ-, Aria -pop rock- and Igara Roosters -classical rock- are taking part in this initiative that forms part of ‘BeParke Kluba’, aimed at turning the Campuses into spaces for socialising and fun that help to attract and retain talent.
The Donostia Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park will host a new edition of ‘Parkea Musik Fest’ this coming Thursday 19 September, the initiative promoted by the Basque Country Technology Park to give visibility to the creative talent of its workers, and to transform the workspace into a living ecosystem open to social and cultural experiences. This initiative is part of the different activities that can be enjoyed at the 6 active campuses of the Basque Country Technology Park throughout the year through BeParke Kluba.
The event will take place in the Central Building of the Donostia Campus with free admission for all those interested, whether or not they are employees of Parke companies. At least one member of each group is an employee of a company located on the Campus, and each band will play for approximately half an hour, but in addition to the music, there will also be a homemade cake competition for those who wish to demonstrate their culinary skills and during the event there will also be raffles for tickets to the La Perla thalassotherapy circuit, VIP tickets to see Real Sociedad at the Reale Arena, vouchers for BBK Live 2025, pintxos and drinks, exclusive festival discounts and 100 free drinks.

The musical evening will start with Lila, a DJ session, which will be followed by performances by Aria -pop rock- and Igara Roosters -classic rock-. All the bands will include representatives of workers from one of the Parke companies, in this case TECNALIA, CEIT and CIDETEC.
Aria, with musicians representing the TECNALIA research centre, performs a mixture of pop and rock. The members of Igara Roosters come from the Centre for Technical Studies and Research of Gipuzkoa (CEIT), which carries out industrial research projects in close collaboration with the R&D departments of companies. Lila, an electronic music DJ session, comes from CIDETEC.
Parkea Musik Fest is an initiative that arose from the ‘A Challenge for the Parke’ programme, which was launched seven years ago, and of which thirteen editions have already been held on the Donostia, Zamudio/Derio, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Leioa campuses. The initiative seeks to highlight the talent of the people who make up Parke and aims to transform the working environment into a space for leisure, wellbeing and free time.
This year’s edition began in May, with a first session at the Zamudio/Derio Campus in which 3 groups took part. In mid-June, the Parkea Musik Fest session was held at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus with another three groups.
As in previous editions, the public responded enthusiastically to this initiative, in which not only company professionals themselves take part, but also – increasingly more and more – families and people who love live music.
PARKEA MUSIK FEST 2024 Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024 Time: 17:00 Place: The Basque Country Technology Park Central Building – Donostia Campus. Mikeletegi Pasealekua, 53. Donostia