Rural women to play a leading role in a new Barnetegi style Technology residential course


The Basque Government Department of Industry, Agriculture & Fisheries have adapted a standard model of ‘Barnetegi’ – a residential course, to a ICT & ECT (Emotion & Cooperation Technology) project. The objective of this new model is to motivate rural women to take their daily lives into the world of advanced technology. The Technology residential course is a program that was born in 2009 and whose aim is to learn about IT through an intensive 24-hour course in an isolated environment. Up to now, there have been a total of 237 Barnetegi style residential courses held with 2,455 participants coming from 756 different companies and institutions.

Gobierno Vasco, 18/06/2012

The SPRI Group, the main public corporations body of the Department of Industry, Innovation, Trade and Tourism has dedicated to help the Basque business structure. Together with the Departments for the Environment, Land use planning, Agriculture & Fisheries through the Commission of Rural Women, they have launched the first ICT and ECT Barnetegis with the aim of bringing knowledge and experience of technologies into the world of rural women who are not everyday users of these types of services and are unaware of its possibilities. The residential course will be held in the Hotel Villa de Laguardia today and tomorrow.


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