Science and technology parks from Spain and Portugal meet in Avilés to present their contributions to green industry

Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, News

The Portuguese Association of Science and Technology Parks (TECPARQUES) and the Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) have organised the 17th Iberian Meeting of Science and Technology Parks in Avilés Island, to analyse and share experiences on sustainability and energy transition.

The Technology Park of the Basque Country has taken part in this meeting where, among other topics, it has addressed the energy transition by promoting renewable energy.

The Asturian town of Avilés hosted the 17th IBÉRICO meeting, which this year dealt with the theme of “Green Industry: Innovation and Sustainability”.

Several round tables and presentations were held over the course of two days, with the participation of leading figures in the fields of innovation and sustainability.

For its part, the Basque Country Technology Park took part in these meetings and had the opportunity to participate in one of the “round tables” where the possibilities of collaboration in the green industry were discussed on the basis of the activities that each technology park is developing.

Specifically, Arantxa González, Director of Technical Implementation at the Basque Country Technology Park, spoke during her presentation about the energy transition, the promotion of renewable energy with the installation of photovoltaic installations, monitoring energy consumption, promoting sustainable mobility, applying AI in energy efficiency, decarbonising existing buildings and promoting sustainability and mobility forums between companies and agents. All of these actions have already been implemented and are in line with the commitment to green energy and sustainability of the Basque Country Technology Park.


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