The companies of the science and technology parks belonging to APTE had a 15% increase in turnover in 2023

Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, News

The Association of Science and Technology Parks of Spain (APTE) has presented at its second annual General Assembly held in Avilés, the activity statistics of the companies and entities of its 51 member science and technology parks, among which is the Basque Country Technology Park, highlighting a growth in all indicators compared to the previous year.

One of the highlights of 2023 was the considerable increase in the turnover of the companies and entities in the parks, which rose to 28,917 million euros, 15% more than in 2022. There has also been a notable investment in Research and Development (R&D), reaching €1,701 million, up 11% compared to the previous year, reflecting robust economic activity.

In 2023, the number of companies and entities located in APTE’s science and technology parks reached 5,908, marking a growth of 2% over the previous year, and indicative of the attraction and retention of innovative entities within these ecosystems.

Employment also reflects a positive trend, with a total of 161,435 people working in the parks, up 7% on the previous year. Within employment, the number of people dedicated to R&D tasks was 38,656, representing a growth of 13% compared to 2022. These data show not only the increase in the number of jobs, but also a greater concentration of talent specialised in innovation and technological development.

Another relevant fact is the increase in the number of companies run by women, which reached 803, representing 17% of the total number of companies in the parks, according to data provided by 43 of them. In addition, 1,159 companies have equality plans, representing 22% of the total, according to data from 37 parks.

Sectoral diversity is another strength of the science and technology parks. The information, computing and telecommunications sectors account for 25% of activity, followed by engineering, consultancy and advisory services with 18%, and medicine and health with 9%.

These figures reflect the dynamism and importance of science and technology parks in Spain’s business and innovation fabric, acting as a catalyst for innovation and contributing to the country’s economic and social development.


With regard to the specific data provided by the companies installed in the Basque Country Technology Park, the same trend is repeated as in the overall calculation presented by APTE, i.e. an increase in the number of companies, employees, turnover and investment in R&D. Thus, the Basque Country Technology Park closed 2023 with 660 companies, more than 23,000 workers, a combined turnover of 7,381 million euros and an investment in R&D of 660 million.


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