The companies of the Technological Parks of Euskadi assess their level of satisfaction with a B+ for the services and infrastructures of the Network

User Support consolidates as the best considered concept and the General Services register the most significant increase
The satisfaction survey, which gathers the data from the 2021 fiscal year, brings to light the effort carried out by the RPTE (Network of Technological Parks of the Basque Country) to guarantee the best possible service to its companies in a context marked by the pandemic in the economic activity
The services and infrastructures of the Network of Technological Parks of the Basque Country have obtained an overall mark superior to 8 out of 10 in all of the fields that have been analyzed in the satisfaction survey carried out among the companies of the Parks and corresponding to the year 2021. This result, which consolidates the upward trend registered in the preceding fiscal years, is supported in the distinguished growth of the General Services concept and in the maintenance or improvement of the rest of the fields, among which the User Support needs to be mentioned.
Specifically, the marks obtained by the RPTE on the six fields that are assessed on the satisfaction report have been as follow: User Support (9.16), Infrastructures (8.64), Added Value Services (8.22), General Services (8.64), Innovative Nature (8.62) and General Satisfaction (8.78).
Likewise, within the field with the best overall mark (User Support), the surveyed companies highlight as strong points of the RPTE the kindness and collaborative attitude, the reception, the “suitability of the surroundings” and the communication service.
Regarding the concept with the lowest overall assessment (Added value actions and services), the areas of improvement indicated by the surveyed companies make reference to the complementary services, which in spite of everything receive a mark of 7.8.
More specifically, the survey reflects the necessity of searching for solutions on matters of mobility, an aspect that has already been gathered in the Strategic Plan of the RPTE. In this sense, from the Network we are actively working to facilitate solutions and alternatives that meet the needs of the companies and professionals and guarantee the adequate evolution towards models of mobility that are sustainable and smart. In fact, the RPTE has a Plan of Sustainability, Mobility and Accessibility (PSMAU) that allows to advance in the solutions of the future and that is going to accommodate the development of innovative tools, such as the forum of mobility in which work will be carried out jointly with the companies.
On the other hand, in 2021 it has been verified an increase of attendance and positive assessment for the events organized by the RPTE, comprised in the new structure and naming of the Added Value Services (BEParke). Nevertheless, the pandemic has provoked a standstill of activities such as the Club Parke, which has had an effect on the assessments related to Complementary Services.
Development of the Strategic Plan 2021-2024
The satisfaction survey that the RPTE carries out annually is an essential tool to accomplish the objectives of the Strategic Plan 2021-2024. Through the survey are obtained the keys to guaranteeing the value proposal of the Network, consisting of offering state-of-the-art and referent-point spaces and infrastructures, and differential services, which configure a working environment of the outmost quality.