The fifth “Technology Barnetegis” will be held in April
Spri, 27/03/2012

The Technology Barnetegi is designed for groups of 12 Managers or Directors of small and medium-sized enterprises from any sector of activity. The Technology Barnetegi’s intensive nature and the fact that it is held in secluded surroundings to make the most of the time available are features specially designed for putting across the value of ICTs, combining the training with the participants’ own particular viewpoints, creating synergies, ideas and projections and deciding on the organisations’ strategic lines of action.
There are two types of Technology Barnetegi:
Open-call Barnetegi. This type may be attended by Managers or Directors of any company, who may register via the website, selecting the open-call Barnetegi they wish to attend.
Specific-call Barnetegi for Corporate Groups. This type is exclusively designed for homogeneous groups, which may be either groups within a company, business associations, communities, etc. If you wish to run a Group Barnetegi, please call 944037039.