The integration of value-added services as a key feature of a more efficient mass sequencing

Abyntek Biopharma, a specialist in providing bioreactive-related integral services, proposes a new high-value solution for genetic analysis
Abyntek Biopharma continues to increase the capabilities of the Basque biotech industry. In this case, the integration of a new high-value service in the massive sequencing process that allows laboratories and researchers to obtain better performance from their resources. This can be attributed to the know-how of the Basque biopharmaceutical company in the sector and its collaboration with several national and international biotechnology entities.
The last decade has witnessed the rapid evolution of the techniques and technologies used to perform genome sequencing. They have made such an impact in the field that even the name of the technique has been changed to “Massive Sequencing” or “Next Generation Sequencing” (NGS).
As a result, next-generation sequencing has perfected the genomic analysis of individuals or species, detailing the microorganisms present in a given niche, as well as the genomic alterations that may be related to the development of tumours or diseases. Thanks to the new technologies applied in massive sequencing, exhaustive analysis of large volumes of data can be achieved efficiently, starting from a small sample.
In this sense, Abyntek Biopharma has added to its catalogue since November a new comprehensive massive sequencing service that seeks to increase the degree of efficiency so that researchers optimize their resources. In this case, the biopharmaceutical company based in Zamudio, a specialist in the design and distribution of bioreagents, incorporates into the massive sequencing service the supply of kits for the collection of genomic samples; as well as the bioinformatic analysis of the results to offer a single comprehensive next generation sequencing service that covers all the needs of the process from start to finish.
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