The ONCE and Ibermática foundations join forces to promote the employment of people with disabilities

Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, News

They have signed an Inserta Agreement to fill new jobs and provide tailor-made training to enable them to carry out their assigned work.

The general secretary of the ONCE Foundation and executive vice-president of Inserta Empleo, Virginia Carcedo, and the president of Ibermatica Fundazioa, Joseba Inchaurraga, have signed an Inserta Agreement to promote research, development and technological innovation as well as the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce of Ibermatica Fundazioa.

Virginia Carcedo highlighted the importance for the ONCE Foundation of signing an agreement with an entity that aims to contribute to reducing the digital divide, ‘a particularly important issue for people with disabilities to be able to access employment under equal conditions. This, together with its commitment to directly hiring workers with disabilities, makes the start of this collaboration a source of joy for us’.

According to Inchaurraga, ‘this collaboration agreement is a boost to achieve the objectives set by the foundation, to contribute to the reduction of the digital divide by promoting technologies in our territory, favouring the social inclusion of vulnerable people, their training and promoting the principle of equal opportunity’.

Ibermatica Fundazioia will work with Inserta Empleo, the ONCE Foundation’s entity for training and employment, to fill new jobs in demand, pre-select candidates who best fit the required profile, and provide tailor-made training to enable them to carry out the assigned tasks.

The agreement also provides for the development of work experience programmes for people with disabilities, as well as the promotion of the indirect labour inclusion of people with disabilities through the purchase of goods and services from special employment centres by Ibermatica Fundazioa.


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