The #PARKECARPOOL challenge for mobility week saves 106kg of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere

Since the initiative to facilitate shared journeys to and from the Technology Park’s campuses was launched a year ago, more than 500 journeys have been recorded, equivalent to 16,720 km and almost 2,500 kg of CO2 saved
The challenge set by the Euskadi Technology Park on the occasion of Mobility Week has exceeded its main objective: to avoid the emission of more than 100 kg of CO2 generated by journeys to or from the different Campuses. This achievement has been possible thanks to the use of the PARKECARPOOL platform, which facilitates shared journeys for people whose destination or origin is the facilities of the Euskadi Technology Park.
Although the total number of journeys made during the mobility week was lower than the number set out in the challenge, the journeys made were sufficient to reach and exceed the CO2 savings figure set, with a total of 106kg. In this way, PARKECARPOOL is consolidated as a highly effective tool for limiting the carbon footprint and improving mobility on Campus by reducing the volume of vehicles on the road.
Since the initiative was launched about a year ago, more than 750 people have registered on the PARKECARPOOL app. To date, more than 500 shared journeys have been managed through the platform, with destination or origin in the Vitoria-Gasteiz, Zamudio/Derio, Abanto, Hernani, Donostia and Leioa campuses, involving 16,720 kilometres (equivalent to a journey from the Basque Country to Australia). In environmental terms, PARKECARPOOL’s activity has saved 2,490 kg of CO2, which is the amount absorbed by 124 trees.
Participation in PARKECARPOOL is open to anyone who needs to travel to or from the Technology Park campuses. Participants will be able to share travel expenses without commission and, in addition, drivers will be able to earn €20 petrol vouchers every month. All you have to do to benefit from this initiative is download the PARKECARPOOL app and match up with people who share a similar route.
Download the Hoop Carpool app: it’s easy to use and will connect you with fellow drivers on similar routes.