We are looking for women like you. We want to give you your space

New campaign to make visible and recognise the work carried out by women in the scientific and technological field in the companies of the Basque Country Technology Park.
The website www.parke.eus brings together the profiles of 207 women working in companies and centres on the six campuses.
For yet another year, The Basque Country Technology Parks has launched a campaign to publicise the work of women in the scientific and technological field in the companies and centres of the Abanto, Leioa, Donostia, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Hernani, Zamudio/Derio campuses.
The website already contains 207 profiles of women working in science and technology as part of an initiative that helps to raise awareness and support access and full and equal participation in science for women and girls.
Between 6 and 17 February, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the Euskadi Technology Park is once again giving prominence to women scientists through the different communication channels (website, social networks, newsletters, etc.).
This is an open space for all those professionals who wish to participate. To do so, they should contact us by sending an email to komunikazioa@parke.eus indicating their name and surname, training and a brief description of the activity they carry out, as well as attaching a photograph with a minimum size (>500 mpx).
We want to count on you!
The profiles can be consulted here