WOMEN SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS are the protagonists in the shops of Alava

A series of posters will show profiles and experiences of women scientists and technologists in their shop windows in a joint initiative with the Provincial Council of Alava and the University of Deusto.
The Basque Country Technology Park, together with the Provincial Council of Alava and the University of Deusto, has organised an exhibition of posters in various shops in different municipalities in the territory, showing profiles and experiences of women scientists and technologists from Alava. Following the success of recent years, this initiative is being repeated for the fourth consecutive year.
Coinciding with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, different shops in Alava will be displaying posters in their shop windows with testimonials from leading women in the field of science and technology who, in many cases, work at the Vitoria-Gasteiz Campus of the Basque Country Technology Park. To this end, different posters have been distributed with a short biography of female professionals from Alava, accompanied by their photo and a quote related to their experience in the sector.
The campaign is part of a series of actions aimed at promoting the individual and collective empowerment of girls and women in all areas of life. In this sense, the development of the potential and visibility of women in the field of scientific vocations is particularly important.
This campaign is part of the commitment of the Basque Country Technology Park to promote scientific and technological vocations among schoolchildren, and especially among girls, through the Inspira STEAM programme.
The aim of this exhibition is to raise awareness of the work carried out by women from Alava who work in the scientific-technological field, and it seeks to encourage students to take a greater interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) professions.