Zuhaizti Haur Eskola: 20 years at your service

Bizkaia, News

Zuhaizti Haur Eskola is celebrating. The nursery school has been located in the Basque Country Technology Park on the Zamudio/Derio Campus for 20 years now, 20 years helping us to reconcile our personal and working lives. An innovative school for children from 0-3 years old, based on active pedagogies and which also respects their rhythms.

The enrolment campaign is now open

With a flexible timetable from 7:30 to 18:30 and a school canteen, it has different options to adapt to the new needs of teleworking or shifts.

And, during the summer, there is also a toy library service for children from 3 to 6 years old. It has an agreement with the Lauro and Lauaxeta ikastolas, which facilitates subsequent access to these centres.

In addition, on the occasion of its anniversary, it is now offering a 15% discount on all monthly course fees.

Euskadi Technology Park, Zamudio/Derio Campus

Ibaizabal Bidea 107, 48170 Zamudio



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