AJL Ophthalmic wins the DHL Grand Atlas Export Award 2021

AJL Ophthalmic S.A. has been awarded the annual Grand Atlas Export Award by DHL. The award recognizes the exports made in the last year
AJL Ophthalmic is the only national manufacturer of innovative medical devices for ophthalmic surgery, with a presence in more than 80 countries around the world and an extensive network of distributors that continues to grow year after year.
For this reason, DHL has decided to award this year’s Grand Atlas Export Award to AJL Ophthalmic.
One of the most important milestones that has boosted exports in recent years has been the acquisition in 2013 of the entire US company Addition Technology Inc (ATI) and the incorporation of Ferrara e Hijos S.L. into its sales structure. AJL Ophthalmic has managed to exponentially boost the company’s exports, positioning it as a recognised company in the global ophthalmology market. Currently 30% of turnover comes from exports, when in 2010 it was only 5%, which shows the growth that has been taking place in recent years.
This recognition comes just as AJL Ophthalmic celebrates 30 years since it started distributing medical devices imported especially from the USA. Today, it has 85 distributors around the world and a growth of 190% in the last decade. Increasing its international presence and exports has become one of AJL Ophthalmic’s priorities, expanding talent and innovation from the Basque Country to the rest of the world.