Ayesa develops a VR Training environment for Enel Chile that prevents accidents at the workplace

The virtual reality training, put into practice, reduces the possibility of suffering an accident in the real execution of the work.
Modelling and texturing tools have been used on the 3D models to achieve greater realism.
Ayesa, a global provider of technology and engineering services, has developed for Enel Chile an immersive virtual reality environment that simulates real situations so that its workers can be trained in safe environments with the aim of avoiding accidents at work.
Corporate training in virtual environments has transformed professional development, allowing organisations to train their employees efficiently and flexibly. Through digital platforms, companies can offer customised training programmes ranging from technical skills to leadership and management. Thanks to virtual reality, users can practice in a controlled environment and repeat actions as many times as necessary to improve their performance. In addition, this modality facilitates hands-on learning and skills acquisition in a safe and effective way, reduces costs and boosts productivity and innovation.
Enel Chile needed to create a safe environment where its workers could learn the necessary protocols when digging in the street and carrying out operations to cut and restore electricity supply. Specifically, general knowledge is needed on how to prepare and separate the material, verify that the selection made by the operator is adequate and consider possible risks due to perforation of gas, water or electricity lines.
The company has relied on the capabilities of Ayesa, which in recent years has implemented several VR Training scenarios in the utilities sector. In the use case designed for Enel Chile, the training carried out in virtual reality allows workers to learn to perform tasks in a safe environment without risk to themselves. This training put into practice reduces the chances of suffering an accident in the real execution of the work.
Jesús Ortega, head of Enel Distribución España y Latam Projects at Ayesa, explains that in this experience “3D modelling and texturing tools have been used to achieve a greater perception of realism. A 3D engine has also been used to implement the different mechanics and physics during the execution of the tasks by the user within the virtual reality environment. And mini-games have been created to evaluate the operator’s knowledge of the different signs referring to safety at work”.
Ayesa has become one of the benchmark technological partners for the utilities sector. In the VR Training scenario created for Enel Chile, technologies such as Unity, Unreal, Android, IOS; and the development platforms Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Blender 3D, Substance Painter, HTC VIVE Pro Eye Glasses, Meta Quest 1/2/Pro glasses have been used. As for the methodology used, Hybrid Agile/Waterfall was chosen.