New materials and printing processes for integrating electronics into plastic materials

The IDEA II project will develop new materials and printing processes to integrate printed electronics to facilitate personalised and functional products
The GAIKER technology centre, a member of the Basque Research & Technology Alliance (BRTA), is leading the IDEA II project, within the ELKARTEK programme financed by the Basque Government, whose objective is the development of new materials and printing and integration processes for the achievement of printed electronics that enable new personalised and functional products to be obtained. The UPV/EHU, BCMaterials Foundation, Cidetec Foundation, Maier Technology Centre, S. COOP., Tecnalia Research & Innovation Foundation, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa S. COOP. and Tekniker Foundation are also taking part in the project.
In the IDEA II project, GAIKER is mainly committed to the development of conductive materials and deformation sensors for 3D printing technology by FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) and electronics integration technologies such as IME (In Mould Electronics), in which the printing of 2D electrical circuits by screen printing is combined with the thermoforming process and over-injection to finally obtain 3D electronics integrations in products transformed by injection.
The project, in addition to generating knowledge through the continuation of research and development in new materials with functionalities for electronics, will test the different printing processes through the development of specific demonstrators that will allow a comparative evaluation of the scope and situation of each of these printing processes with a view to achieving true 3D printed electronics.
IDEA II will also provide potential solutions to Basque industry on an ongoing basis in order to increase its competitive capacities and allow companies to approach and evolve more gradually towards these new printing technologies and materials.