The 14th ITS Euskadi Congress will be held on 17 November

The Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country is organising this event on technologies, solutions and intelligent services for mobility, with the support of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.
The opening ceremony will be attended by the Deputy Imanol Pradales and the Councillor Nora Abete.
In addition to presentations, an autonomous vehicle simulator will be available for testing.
On 17 November, the auditorium of the BAT Tower in Bilbao will host the fourteenth edition of the ITS Euskadi Congress, an event that brings together the industrial sector that develops its activity around technologies, solutions and services for smarter, more efficient, safer and cleaner mobility. Organised by the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country, with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia, the meeting will be opened by the Regional Councillor for Infrastructures and Territorial Development, Imanol Pradales, and the Deputy Mayor and Delegate of the Mobility and Sustainability Area of Bilbao City Council, Nora Abete, accompanied by Eduardo Lasa, president of the cluster association.
Date. 17 November 2023
From 9:15 to 14:00 hours
BAT – B Accelerator Tower. Auditorium. Gran Vía 1, 6º. Bilbao
The eleven lectures to be given during the Congress will focus on topics such as sustainability, intelligent mobility, technology and road safety. In terms of sustainability, issues relating to alternative energies for mobility, the electric vehicle value chain and low-emission zones will be addressed. In terms of smart mobility, different perspectives on the mobility of the future will be offered and advances and projects for connected, automated and autonomous vehicles, both private and public transport, including infrastructures, will be presented. In addition, other technological innovations will be showcased and the focus will also be on safety.
Do you want to test drive an autonomous vehicle?
During the event, a simulator will be available to test two autonomous driving situations: a corrective manoeuvre involving a car and a lorry; and an evasive manoeuvre involving a car and a motorbike. In both cases, it will be possible to see how the autonomous system is able to react before the driver, avoiding a collision.