The Basque logistics sector presents itself in Madrid

The Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country exhibits the capabilities of its members at the Logistics & Automation Fair in Madrid.
It participates in a shared area with the Business Groupings of the Sector: Alia, Citet and Clúster da Función Loxística.
Today and tomorrow, the Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country is participating as an exhibitor at the Logistics & Automation Fair being held in Madrid. It is sharing stand 7G55 with its counterparts Alia – Logistics Cluster of Aragon -, Citet – Innovation Centre for Logistics and Freight Transport – and Clúster da Función Loxística de Galicia. From this space, the four clusters will promote the joint strength of the logistics sector and each entity will also present the capabilities of its associates. The Mobility and Logistics Cluster of the Basque Country brings together 111 members with a turnover of more than 11 billion euros, which represents 14.7% of the GDP of the territory.
The promotion of the stand and the participation of the Cluster in the event is the result of the collaboration between the four entities, derived from the qualification they share as innovative business groups. This approval granted by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism seeks to promote innovation in cooperation. Thus, during 2023 the Cluster has obtained support for seven innovative projects, worth 1.1 million euros, in which it participates together with its partners and other AEIs.
As for Logistics & Automation, the Cluster maintains a close collaboration with Easyfairs as organisers of the event. Since this year, the fair has also been held in Bilbao, aimed at the Northern Zone sector. The next edition will be held on 28 and 29 February 2024 at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Within this framework, the Cluster adds to the event its annual Logistics Day, which it organises to showcase the latest innovations and developments in technology and solutions for the sector.