The Next Generation EU funds subsidise the photovoltaic solar system project for self-consumption in the A12 Building on the Donostia Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park

The Donostia Campus of the Euskadi Technology Park will build a solar photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in Building A12 of the Campus in 2023 with the aim of improving the energy efficiency of the building. To this end, Europe has provided a contribution of 16,821.35 €.
This project, which is scheduled to run from 1 September to 31 December, will consist of the removal of the old solar photovoltaic installation already installed on the roof and the commissioning of a new solar photovoltaic installation for individual self-consumption of the building with surpluses eligible for compensation under Royal Decree 244/2019, with a total of 159 panels with a total power of 73.94 kWp, placed in different areas of the roof, which will generate 43. 730 kWh/year for self-consumption, which means an energy saving of 49% and a reduction of 20 Tn per year of CO2 emissions, thus contributing to the construction of a greener, digital and resilient Europe.
This is a project funded by the European Union – NextGeneration EU and managed by the Government of Spain and the Basque Government.